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物价不仅直接影响亿万群众的生活幸福,还关系到国家的长治久安。当前价格运行确实面临着较大的上涨压力,货币因素、成本因素、灾害因素、输入性因素和翘尾因素等,都可能推升市场价格,并增加价格运行的不确定性。2011年3月30日下午,陕西省十一届人大常委会第二十二次会议审议了陕西省人民政府关于去年以来我省稳定物价工作情况的报告。报告显示,今年前2个月,我省CPI同比涨幅为5、1%,从排序看,同比涨幅在全国和西部省(市、区)中分别较去年排序后移9位和3位,在西北省(区)中继续排在末位。从构成看,其中涨幅居前三位的是食品类、居住类和医疗保健及个人用品类。价格上涨的主要原因是生产流通成本上升、农产品供求出现变化、输入性通胀压力加大、通胀预期增强等。审议时委员们明确将稳定物价作为2011年宏观调控的首要任务,作为价格部门要给政府提好建议,出好主意,把有关要求落到实处。针对省政府出台了一系列扶持生产发展、保障市供应、加强价格监管、增加职工收入、实施价格补贴等措施,打出价格调控的“组合拳”受到国务院督查组和国家有关部委的充分肯定,给予了一致好评。提出要稳步推进价格改革,审慎出台政府管理涉及民生的调价项目,把握好价格调整时机、节奏和力度,保持消费价格总水平的基本稳定,保障好群众的基本生活。 Prices not only directly affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people, but also affect the long-term stability of the country. The current price movement is indeed facing a relatively large upward pressure. Currency factors, cost factors, disaster factors, input factors, and carryover factors may all push up market prices and increase the uncertainty of price operation. On the afternoon of March 30, 2011, the 22nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress of Shaanxi Province reviewed the report of the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province on the state of stable price work in our province since last year. According to the report, in the first two months of this year, the province’s CPI rose by 5,1% year-on-year. From the ranking, the year-on-year increase in the national and western provinces (cities, districts) was 9 and 3 respectively. Northwestern provinces (regions) continue to be ranked last. In terms of composition, the top three gainers are food, residential and health care and personal products. The main reasons for the price increase are rising production and circulation costs, changes in the supply and demand of agricultural products, increasing import inflation pressures, and rising inflation expectations. At the time of the deliberation, the committee members made it clear that stable prices were the primary task of macroeconomic regulation and control in 2011. As the price department, they should give good advice to the government, take good ideas, and implement relevant requirements. In response to the provincial government promulgating a series of measures to support the development of production, safeguard the city’s supply, strengthen price supervision, increase employee income, and implement price subsidies, the “combination punches” that play a role in price control have been fully inspected by the State Council’s inspection team and relevant state ministries and commissions. Definitely, acclaim was given. It is proposed that price reform be steadily advanced, and the government proactively introduce price adjustment projects involving people’s livelihood, and grasp the timing, rhythm, and intensity of price adjustments to maintain the basic stability of the overall level of consumer prices and protect the basic livelihood of the people.
李肖出生在成都一个普通家庭。毕业后,他一直想自己创业。  经过一段时间的考察后,李肖找到了切入点:很多年轻人喜欢网上购物,如果开一家网店,这其中必然会有机遇。  有了想法后,李肖找到他的大学朋友向敏國。向敏国熟悉电脑软硬件,擅长美术设计。在得知李肖开网店的想法后,他当即支持。合作伙伴有了,李肖就开始准备启动资金。他从一位亲戚手上借来5000元钱,随后在淘宝上注册了店名,并在成都市内租了间20平方米
“五统一”:表象连锁当加盟连锁出现在中国商业舞台时,加盟各方突然发现:原来世界上还有这么好的发展模式!多数加盟商是做生意起家的小老 “Five Unification”: Image Chai