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一、前言印度尼西亚的医院大多创建于殖民地时期,1945年国家获得独立之后,医院受到国家、军队、国营农场、航运、矿山或私立教育机构、私人诊所等的援助,或归属于这些组织经营。1978年,以改革和振兴医院组织为目的,成立了印度尼西亚医院协会。近来,该协会在大力推行医院组织标准的同时,修改了协会章程及其内部规则,使之有利于促进医疗服务,提高管理质量,加强协会的自身建设,从而有力地推动了医疗机构的发展及经营。二、国民健康法制度作为发展中国家,印度尼西亚有一些颇有意义的特点,最显著、也是最重要的,就是医院对医疗事业资源不足比较关心。采用什么方法,能使这有限的资源发挥出最大的效益,这是优先重点考虑的问题。作为国家全面发展的一个方面,印度尼西亚政府颁布了国民健康法制度,其主要作用如下: 1.进一步增进全民的健康水平和社会福利。要使医疗机构能充分发挥其防病治病、促使病人康复的作用,贯彻成熟的、始 I. INTRODUCTION Most hospitals in Indonesia were founded during the colonial period. After the country gained independence in 1945, the hospital was assisted by the state, the military, state-owned farms, shipping, mining or private educational institutions, private clinics, etc., or belonged to these organizations. In 1978, the Indonesian Hospital Association was established for the purpose of reforming and revitalizing hospital organizations. Recently, the Association has vigorously promoted the standards for hospital organization while at the same time revised the constitution of the Association and its internal rules, making it conducive to the promotion of medical services, improving the quality of management, and strengthening the self-construction of the Association, which has effectively promoted the development of medical institutions and Operating. Second, the National Health Law system As a developing country, Indonesia has some significant features, the most significant and the most important, is that hospitals are more concerned about the lack of medical resources. What methods can be used to maximize the benefits of this limited resource are priorities. As an aspect of the country’s overall development, the Indonesian government has promulgated the National Health Law system. Its main roles are as follows: 1. To further enhance the people’s health level and social welfare. To enable medical institutions to give full play to their role in preventing and curing diseases and promoting the rehabilitation of patients, it is necessary to carry out
住院诊疗是医院的主要功能,住院病人不是都以治疗为目的,那些需要作详细检查的病人也可以短期住院检查。(一) 病房的构成: (1) 按诊疗科分设病房:设有内科病房、 Inpatient
在豚鼠离体胆囊和胆道括约肌制备上,克班宁(Cre)明显拮抗组织胺,Ca ̄(2+),K ̄+引起的收缩、呈现非竞争性拮抗;并能抑制胆囊肌依赖细胞内Ca ̄(2+)所致的收缩。在离体胆道口括约肌,有节律性的自发收缩及高K ̄+(40mmol/L)引起
小鹿哥哥,您好! 我是一个18岁的花季少女。一年前,高考失败的我来到深圳,本以为可以用自己勤奋的努力来抹去高考失败的痛苦。没想到,在不久前的一个夜晚又被几个流氓侮辱……现在的