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农民奔小康,离不开政策、科技和投入,而政策、科技要靠投入来实现。只有大投入,才能大产出、大发展。农业投入哪里来?笔者认为,可从以下八个方面拓展。一、管理、使用好集体提留,健全劳动积累制度。集体提留积累资金对改善农业生产条件、增强农业发展后劲具有战略意义。二、合理运用财政支农资金。财政预算内支农资金主要用于:①农业基础建设。用在一些投资大、周期长、直接经济效益低、集体和农民个人难以承受的投资项目上。②开发性农业的初期投入。③农业科技的开发研究和应用推广。为发挥财政对农业投入的效能,一要明确对农业投入的具体范围,防止以农业投入的名义,办农业以外的事业。二是提高财政对农业投入的比例。可把财政对农业投入占财政预算总支出的比例,提高到15%左右的水平。三要合理运用预算外资金。必须加强对预算外支农资金的管理,由财政部门统一扎口把关。三、充分发挥农业银行和农村信贷资金的功能。农业银行既承担国家的政策性贷款,又兼有企业化经营,要把它与其它专业银行区别开来,多给予一些政策性照顾。 To run well-off farmers can not do without policy, science and technology and investment, and policies and science and technology rely on investment. Only big investment, can produce large, big development. Where do agricultural inputs come? In my opinion, we can expand from the following eight aspects. First, the management, the use of good collective withdrawal, improve labor accumulation system. It is of strategic importance to improve the conditions for agricultural production and enhance the stamina in agricultural development by collectively collecting and accumulating funds. Second, the rational use of financial support for agriculture. Funding within the budget funds are mainly used for: ① agricultural infrastructure. Used in some large investment, long cycle, low direct economic benefits, collective and individual farmers unbearable investment projects. ② initial investment in development agriculture. ③ agricultural science and technology development and application of promotion. In order to give full play to the efficiency of the financial investment in agriculture, we must clarify the specific scope of investment in agriculture and prevent businesses other than agriculture in the name of agricultural investment. The second is to increase the financial investment in agriculture ratio. The proportion of financial investment in agriculture in total budget expenditure can be raised to about 15%. Third, we must make rational use of extrabudgetary funds. The management of extra-budgetary funds for supporting agriculture must be strengthened, and the financial authorities should take the unified control. Third, give full play to the functions of agricultural banks and rural credit funds. Agricultural Bank of China not only undertake the policy of loans, but also both business management, we should distinguish it from other specialized banks, giving more policy care.
(1993年6月20 日) 同志们:江总书记在武汉主持召开六省农业和农村工作座谈会和李鹏总理主持召开农业工作电视电话会以来,省委、省政府先后研究和采取了一系列措施、狠抓落实
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
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