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为促进核电产业安全高效发展,加快落实中国核电“走出去”战略,由上海市核电办公室和中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司(简称中国能建广东院)联合主办、中国核能行业协会和中国核工业勘测设计协会协办,诺本集团承办的第十一届中国核电技术发展高峰论坛在中国能建广东院召开。本次核电技术发展高峰论坛高屋建瓴地探讨了我国核电发展的实践与展望,强调了加强安全监管对助力核电发展的重要性,探索了加强协同创新和技术创新对推动核电产业实现新突破的重要作用,介绍 In order to promote the safe and efficient development of the nuclear power industry and accelerate the implementation of the “Going Global” strategy for nuclear power in China, the project was co-sponsored by the Shanghai Nuclear Power Office and Guangdong Provincial Electric Power Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Guangdong Power Design & Research Institute) Nuclear Energy Industry Association and China Nuclear Industry Survey and Design Association in co-operation, Connaught Group hosted the Eleventh China Nuclear Power Technology Development Forum in Guangdong Province, China can build a hospital. The Nuclear Power Technology Development Summit discussed the practice and prospect of nuclear power development in high house, emphasized the importance of strengthening safety supervision on boosting the development of nuclear power and explored the important role of strengthening co-innovation and technological innovation in promoting nuclear power industry to make new breakthroughs , Introduction
In order to investigate the relationship between the trace elements and the characteristics of the oysters, we analyzed the trace elements present in the germpl
主要探讨了罗非鱼养殖技术与无公害水产品养殖技术。 Tilapia breeding technology and pollution-free aquaculture technology were mainly discussed.
7月26日,中电科(德阳广汉)特种飞机系统工程有限公司代表到成都国营锦江机器厂调研特种工艺和直升机改装案例,并提出了与该厂合作改装无人机的合作意向。 On July 26, Repre