
来源 :中国保安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hddyy
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这里有一片爱的天空——各地保安服务企业开展工会活动纪实近年来,社会责任成为企业界一个非常流行的话题,成为企业“公民意识”集体进步的标志。很多企业开始从自身做起,从内部入手建立履行社会责任的长效机制,建立工会组织,发挥工会的协调、平衡和缓冲作用。如今,越来越多的保安服务企业重视工会组织建设。工会在构建和谐劳资关系、调动职工积极性方面具有不可替代的作用,其“润滑剂”、“稳定剂”的角色正得到保安服务企业的认同。在市场经济条件下,企业和员工作为不同的利益主体,不可避免地存在利益博弈。保安服务企业亦不例外。因此,保安服务企业工会一方面要充分发挥组织协调作用,动员职工以高度的责任感和使命感积极投身企业建设;另一方面要充分发挥工会组织在和谐社会建设中的优势,把建立企业和谐劳动关系作为自身的重要职责;同时,还要充分发挥工会“组织起来、切实维权”职能,不断提高工会组织的凝聚力和号召力。记者在采访中体会到,许多地方保安服务企业工会都能积极履行职责,维护广大职工的合法权益,通过组织各类活动充分调动职工的积极性和创造性。一些保安服务企业工会真正做到了“建起来、转起来、活起来”。在这里,保安员体验着一种家的温暖。 There is a sky of love here - a record of trade union activities by security service enterprises in various places In recent years, social responsibility has become a very popular topic in the business community and has become a symbol of the collective progress of enterprises and “civic awareness.” Many enterprises have started from themselves to set up a long-term mechanism to fulfill their social responsibilities internally, set up trade union organizations and give play to the role of coordination, balance and buffer of trade unions. Today, more and more security service enterprises attach importance to the construction of trade union organizations. The trade unions play an irreplaceable role in building harmonious labor relations and mobilizing the enthusiasm of staff and workers. The “lubricant” and “stabilizer” roles are being recognized by the security service enterprises. Under the condition of market economy, enterprises and employees, as different stakeholders, inevitably have a game of interests. Security service companies are no exception. Therefore, on the one hand, the security service enterprise unions should give full play to the role of organization and coordination, mobilize their staff and actively participate in the construction of enterprises with a high sense of responsibility and sense of mission; on the other hand, give full play to the advantages of union organizations in building a harmonious society, At the same time, we must give full play to the functions of the trade unions, “organize themselves and effectively safeguard their rights,” and continuously improve the cohesion and appeal of the trade union organizations. In the interview, the reporter realized that many local security service trade unions can actively perform their duties, safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the vast numbers of workers and staff members, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of staff and workers through organizing various activities. Some security service business unions really did “build up, turn around, live up ”. Here, security guards experience the warmth of a home.
从袭人生活中的三个重大转折点出发 ,探讨袭人“这一类人”的性格发展历程 ,作为现实生活的借鉴。 Starting from three major turning points in life, this paper explore
想防盗结果被盗    2008年4月10日早4时30分,家住武汉的陈德安习惯性地察看监控器图像时,惊讶地发现自己的爱车不见了。车哪里去了呢?防盗报警器也不曾有丝毫反应,这车怎么说没就没了呢?  陈德安对记者说,通过监控录像回放,他看到4时10分的时候有一名打着雨伞的人(当时是晴天)走到距离爱车约几米处时,车的小灯闪了一下。接着该人来到爱车前拉开车门上了车,在4时26分的时候打开大灯把车开走了。看到
他一直认为自己犯了杀人罪,早晚被逮到肯定是个死。这会儿听说自己犯的是伤害罪,竟还有生的希望,3年来的恐惧、担忧一下子变成了感激。 He always considered himself guilt