1984年9月12日清晨,黑龙江省建三江管理局创业农场个体利民油厂厂长刘秀华,从炕上一跃而起,穿上鞋,风风火火地直奔农场通讯科。她要安装电话。一个农家妇女也要在家里安装电话? 过去想也不敢想,今天她要办了。刘秀华虽然不是什么百万富翁,此时却也是方圆百里闻名的万元户。一年之内“气象万千”,今非昔比。前年此时,我们的主人公为三个孩子要上学,正在筹钱买粮,以解无米之炊;去年此时,她却堂堂正正地当上了利民油厂的厂长。想不到四十多岁了还能有今天。她象一
On the morning of September 12, 1984, Liu Xiuhua, director of the individual Limin Oil Factory, a venture farm in the Sanjiang Administration of Heilongjiang Province, jumped up from the kangs and put on shoes and went all out to run the farm communications department. She wants to install the phone. A peasant woman also needs to have a phone at home. She never dared to think that she had to do it today. Although Liu Xiuhua is not a millionaire, this time it is also known to millions of miles radius of Barry. Within a year, “the weather” is not what it used to be. Two years ago, at this time, our protagonist had to go to school for three children and was raising money to buy rice to solve the problem of no rice. Last year at this time, she was upright as the director of Limin Oil Factory. Can not think of more than 40 years old can have today. She is like one