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生态建设是西部大开发的主要内容之一。除水土流失、荒漠化的恢复重建外,生态建设还应包括山地灾害(崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等)的规划防治和减灾防灾措施。如果生态建设方案中缺少山地灾害的标本兼治,仍不能达到理想的效果。山地灾害是生态破坏的重要因素之一受特殊地形、地层岩性、地质构造等因素的影响,西部地区成为我国主要山地灾害分布区域。西南地区的云、贵、川、藏、重庆市,西北地区的新、甘、青、陕都有危害程度不同的山地灾害分布。据不完全统计,西部地区因崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害每年造成600余人伤亡,约占全国的70%,直接经济损失达20亿元以上。据我所30多年对山地灾害研究结果,仅长江上游100万平方公里的范围内就分布大型崩塌、滑坡1万余处,泥石流沟1万条以上。其中长江干流及主要支流的不稳定滑坡堆积体约28亿立方米,泥石流提供长江的泥砂物质约300亿吨。这些物质不断进入长江,既污染了水质,也加大了防洪的负担。山地灾害的暴发频率高、突发性强,不仅是破坏生态环境的重要因素,也成为危害西部山区人民生命财产的主要灾害之一。 Ecological construction is one of the main contents of the western development. In addition to soil erosion and desertification restoration and reconstruction, ecological construction should also include the planning, prevention and mitigation of mountain disasters (landslides, landslides, etc.) and disaster prevention and mitigation measures. If the lack of mountain disaster in the ecological construction program of the symptoms, still can not achieve the desired effect. Mountain disaster is one of the important ecological damage factors. Due to the special topography, stratigraphic lithology, geological structure and other factors, the western region has become China’s major mountainous disaster distribution area. Southwest Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Tibet, Chongqing, Northwest New, sweet, green, and Shaanxi have different degrees of hazard distribution of mountain hazards. According to incomplete statistics, more than 600 people are injured and dumped each year in the western region due to landslides, landslides and debris flows, accounting for 70% of the country’s total. The direct economic losses have reached over 2 billion yuan. According to my research on mountainous disasters for more than 30 years, large-scale avalanches and landslides of over 1 million square kilometers have been distributed in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River alone. Over 10,000 landslides and over 10,000 debris flow ditches have been distributed. Among them, the unsteady landslide accumulation of the main stream and the major tributaries of the Yangtze River is about 2.8 billion cubic meters. Debris flow supplies about 30 billion tons of sediment from the Yangtze River. These materials continue to enter the Yangtze River, not only pollute the water quality, but also increase the flood control burden. The outbreak of mountainous calamities is high and emergent. It is not only an important factor in destroying the ecological environment, but also one of the major disasters that endanger people’s lives and property in mountainous areas in the western region.
本文通过文献法、对比研究等,对铅球场地的绘制进行对比研究,并从中总结适用于快速获取场地的有效方法。实践表明,外场“弦长弧线”法是最为有效的绘制方法。 In this paper
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(一) 众所周知,建立自然保护区的目的,是为了拯救某些濒于绝灭的生物种群,监测人为活动对自然界的影n向,研究保持人类生存环境的条件和生物本身的自然演替规律,找出合理利用