抓标准化 促现代化

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实现档案管理的现代化,是当前档案工作的一个重要课题。要实现档案管理的现代化,就必须先搞标准化。因为标准化“是组织现代化生产的重要技术基础,是科学管理的重要的组成部分”。在把电子计算机技术应用于档案管理时,如果不搞统一的著录规则,如果没有统一的数据库结构,如果字段的内容和名称不规范化,不仅每一个档案馆(室)都要为建立计算机数据库设计程序付出大量重复劳动、耗费可观的资金、延误应用计算机的时间,而且由于各自设计的程序项目不一、要求各异,会给日后的报道交流带来困难,将不利于档案信息的开发;在缩微拍照方面,如果对缩微件的格式、尺寸、质量要求没有统一的规定,就势必影响缩微件的质量和应用,影响缩微品的交流和销售,甚至直接造成人力、物力的浪费;目前我国各级各类档案馆已发展到3228个,今后还会增加。统一的档案馆建筑设计规范,甚至在一定范围使用的档案馆整体或局部标准设计图纸,都将不仅保证现代化档案馆舍建筑的质量,而且会节约大量的资金和大幅度缩短全国档案馆馆舍建设的时间,对抢救濒临损坏的档案更有重要的作用。……统一的著录规则、统一的数据库结构、统一的建筑设计规范等都可称为标准。 The modernization of archives management is an important issue in the current archives work. To achieve the modernization of file management, we must first engage in standardization. Because standardization is an important technical basis for organizing modern production and an important part of scientific management. " In the electronic computer technology used in file management, if you do not engage in uniform rules of the organization, if there is no uniform structure of the database, if the contents of the field and the name is not standardized, not only every archives (rooms) to establish a computer database design Due to the duplication of work, the considerable amount of money spent and the delay in the application of computers, the programs are subject to different requirements due to the differences in the programs they design. This will result in difficulties in future reports and communication and will not be conducive to the development of archival information. In the field of micrographing, if there is no uniform requirement on the format, size and quality of the microfilm, it will inevitably affect the quality and application of the microfilm, affect the exchange and sale of microform products, and even directly cause the waste of manpower and material resources. At present, each Various types of archives have been developed to 3228, the future will increase. A uniform architectural design code of the archives and even the full or partial standard archives of the archives used in a certain range will not only ensure the quality of modern archival buildings but will also save a lot of money and dramatically shorten the national archives’ The construction of the time, the rescue of the files on the verge of damage more important role. ...... A unified rules of the record, a unified database structure, a unified architectural design standards can be called standards.
“当……”新年的钟声敲响了。我遥望着东方,也遥想起一个美丽的传说── 古代,天地间一团漆黑,玉帝派女儿为人间照明。她刚一露面,便引得万众注目,羞得粉脸通红。于是,她抛出王母
今年冬天,最让我难忘的是那场雪了,新年的喜悦和飞舞的雪花,把我带入甜蜜的梦中。 我从梦中醒来,迫不及待地跑出去。啊!雪漫天遍地,到处都是白雪皑皑,我好像到了童话的世界里
(接上期)C 一个无人的下午,在电视机旁徘徊了两个小时后,我终于拨通了邱海文的手机。 我并非蓄意背叛周小院。 最初,和邱海文的接触也仅仅限于一般朋友。但慢慢地,我像被一只无形的
越来越多的女性纵横驰骋在刀光剑影的职场上,一展身手。在通往成功的道路上,女性面临哪些发展瓶颈,会遭遇哪些难题,内心的渴望是什么?为此《职业》杂志与智联招聘联合开展了此次专项调查。  参与此次调查的女性,年龄主要集中在18 ~ 35 岁之间,其中18 ~ 25 岁的占22.7%,25 ~ 30 岁、30 ~ 35 岁的各占31.8%。这一年龄段被不少女性看作是职业发展的黄金阶段,对职业成功的愿望强烈