
来源 :财经研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbingkai
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在“未富先病”以及“健康中国”的背景下,文章从产业结构出发,通过使用世界银行数据库和佩恩表1995-2011年百余个国家的面板数据,研究了健康投资行业的发展对经济结构的影响,以期为当下中国转型经济结构的时代诉求提供参考。研究结果显示:首先,发展健康投资行业有助于增加服务业就业人口比重,并且私人健康投资对增加服务业就业人口比重的影响系数大于公共健康投资;其次,相对于公共健康投资,私人健康投资对第二产业增加值的挤出效应更有限;第三,发展健康服务业,尤其是公共健康事业将加快经济结构转型速度。综上所述,发展健康产业对推进产业结构转型具有积极意义,但如何在政策效果和可能的阻力之间进行权衡还需要政策制定者的慎重考虑。 In the context of “Not Enriching ” and “Healthy China ”, the article started from the industrial structure, using the World Bank database and Penn table from 1995 to 2011 in more than a hundred countries panel data to study the health The impact of the development of investment industry on the economic structure, with a view to providing reference for the current era of China’s transitional economic structure. The results show that: firstly, the development of a healthy investment industry will help to increase the proportion of employed people in the service sector, and the coefficient of influence of private health investment on increasing the proportion of employed people in the service sector will be greater than that of public health investment; second, relative to public health investment, private health investment The crowding-out effect on the added value of the secondary industry is more limited; thirdly, the development of a healthy service industry, especially public health, will speed up the transformation of the economic structure. To sum up, the development of a healthy industry is of positive significance in promoting the transformation of the industrial structure. However, how to balance the effect of the policy with the possible resistance also requires the careful consideration of policy makers.
目的 分析射血分数保留的心力衰竭(HF-PEF)患者血清白介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)、C反应蛋白(CRP)水平变化及其相关性。方法 选取2016年7月—2017年6月就诊于新疆医科大学第
本文研究了普通刺梨(Rosa roxburgii,Tratt)的光合特性,结果说明:刺梨的光补偿点为1~1.5KLX。饱和点为38~40KLX,属C_3植物;光合速率在12~20mgCO_2&#183;dm~(-2)&#183;h~(-1)之间