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在中国绘画史上,与水墨画、木刻等美术形式不同,漆画的一大特点是独立过程十分缓慢迟延。如果说彩陶上的舞蹈纹、青铜器上的宴乐攻战纹是依附实用器物的装饰的话,那么,类似此种用线来造型的独立绘画形式在不久后的战国帛画上就出现了。也就是说,一般绘画形式的独立至多500年,这一周期几乎比漆画的独立快了3倍,材料表明,安徽朱然墓出土的一批漆器上面的彩绘已有完整的故事,或表现宫闱宴乐、或表现典故传说,绘画性都已很强。可惜这到底还是从属于器物的装饰。以后1000多年的时间里,漆画一直处于这种从属地位,划在工艺的范畴里。所谓独立应该有两方面的涵义,一是与相对体有等量的矛盾统一关系;二是独立体自身的价值取向,不同于这一相对体。漆画相对于原来依赖的实用器物(对象)的独立是形式、手段及艺术职能的独立;相对于别的美术形式、手段及艺术职能的独立则是体系的独立。原始岩画、战国帛画、汉代画像石、画像砖,可以视为独立的美术形式,但显然说不上它们开创了什么画种。形式风格、艺术职能等的独立较易实现,但体系的独立却必须具备很多前提条件。一、相对其它美术形式的特殊性;二、价值取向趋于独立完善,转化为创作者自觉并把握的追求倾向,往往又通过一定的理论主张来体现; In the history of Chinese painting, unlike the art forms such as ink painting and woodcut, one of the major features of lacquer painting is that the process of independence is very slow and slow. If the dance pattern on the painted pottery and the feast and music attack pattern on the bronze ware depend on the decoration of practical objects, then a separate painting form similar to this type of line appeared in the painting of the Warring States Period in the near future. In other words, the general form of painting up to 500 years of independence, this cycle is almost three times faster than the independence of lacquer, material shows that unearthed in Zhulu, Anhui, a group of lacquer painting has been completed above the story, or performance Palace 闱 feast, or the performance of allusions, the painting has been very strong. Unfortunately, in the end it is subordinate to the decoration of utensils. After 1000 years of time, lacquer has been in this subordinate position, in the category of craft. The so-called independence should have two meanings. First, it has the same contradiction and unity with the opposite body. Second, the independent value orientation of the independent body is different from that of the relative body. The independence of lacquer painting from the practical objects (objects) on which it relied was the independence of form, means and artistic function; the independence of the system from other forms of art, means and artistic function was the independence of the system. The primitive rock paintings, the Warring States silk painting, the Han Dynasty portrait stone and the portrait brick can be regarded as independent art forms, but apparently they can not say what kind of paintings they pioneered. Formal style, artistic functions and other independent easier to achieve, but the independence of the system must have a lot of preconditions. First, relative to the particularity of other art forms; Second, the value orientation tends to be independent and perfect, which is transformed into the pursuit tendency that the creator consciously and grasps, often through certain theoretical claims;
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