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1.提早除去空秆、病株和无效穗。玉米孕穗后,要及早彻底割除空秆玉米和病株玉米,这样可以改善田间通风透光条件,减少肥料消耗,利于植株正常生长发育,促使大穗大粒的形成。2.巧施攻穗肥。玉米追肥要因地制宜,每亩可追施碳铵50公斤或尿素16公斤~20公斤。当田间最大持水量低于80%时要抓紧进行灌溉,可采用沟灌、隔沟灌等方法,要肥水结合,施肥后及时浇水。3.人工辅助授粉。玉米是同株异 1. Early removal of empty stalks, diseased plants and invalid spikes. After the booting of corn, the empty stalk corn and diseased corn should be completely cut off as soon as possible, which can improve the ventilation and light conditions in the field, reduce the fertilizer consumption, and facilitate the normal growth and development of the plant and promote the formation of big ears and big grains. 2. Qiao Shi attack panicle fat. Corn topdressing should be based on conditions, per acre can be topdressing ammonium bicarbonate 50 kg or urea 16 kg ~ 20 kg. When the maximum water holding capacity of less than 80% of the field should pay close attention to irrigation, furrow irrigation can be used, separated ditch irrigation and other methods, to fertilizer and water, timely watering after fertilization. Artificial assisted pollination. Corn is the same
Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) can affect breast cancer patients, especially after axillary surgery and radiation treatment, for life. First line treat
日前,湖北省随州市曾都区何店镇一座山上的别墅群成为焦点,经调查,这些别墅群属于违规建设, 其占用的土地属于国家级生态公益林. 这种严重破坏生态环境的行为引起曾都区检察
美国2004塞拉俱乐部和司法观察组织诉副总统切尼案rn2004年,塞拉俱乐部和司法观察组织按照 《联邦咨询委员会法》起诉副总统切尼,理由是其在“国家能源政策发展集团”的赞助
一、 黄梅县近年来在创新社会治理“四化”路径方面的探索rn近年来, 湖北省黄梅县抢抓被列入全省社会管理创新试点县契机,始终牢记创新是手段, 解决问题才是最终目的;始终牢
本文详细介绍了鲁西南水稻无公害栽培技术、病虫草害防治技术、收获、运输、贮藏及副产品处理。 This paper introduced the Southwest rice pollution-free cultivation te
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6月27日, 湖北省宜昌市伍家岗区人民法院依法公开审理了一起非法捕捞水产品案件,对2名被告人分别判处6个月和7个月的有期徒刑,并责令2人以投放鱼苗的方式进行长江生态修复.
本文主要对整地,移栽,稻田施肥及本田管理作一简要论述。 This article mainly makes a brief exposition on soil preparation, transplanting, paddy fertilization and H