
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:irolu
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为了认真落实“三讲”教育整改措施,进一步转变机关工作作风,山东省卫生厅党组拿出20天左右的时间,到驻济省直医疗卫生单位进行现场办公和调研。这次现场办公所到的省千佛山医院、省肿瘤防治研究院、山东中医药大学附属医院3所医院,都是全省医院改革试点单位。今年以来,这几所医院的广大干部职工以高度的责任感,积极投入了改革试点工作,取得了初步效果。在与部分医务人员及中层管理干部进行座谈,听取他们对目前医院改革的意见和建议之后,王天瑞厅长充分肯定了3所医院的改革试点情况,并就下一步改革需要着重解决和注意的问题谈了指导性意见。 In order to conscientiously implement the “three stresses” education reform measures and further change the work style of the organs, the Party Group of the Health Department of Shandong Province took 20 days or so to go to the direct medical and health units in the province for on-site office work and research. The site of the office to the province of thousands of Foshan Hospital, Provincial Cancer Institute, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Hospital 3, are the province’s hospital reform pilot units. Since the beginning of this year, the cadres and workers in these hospitals have been actively involved in the reform pilot work with a high sense of responsibility and have achieved initial results. After discussing with some medical staffs and mid-level management cadres and listening to their opinions and suggestions on the current hospital reform, Commissioner Wang Tianrui fully affirmed the reform pilot projects in the three hospitals and focused on resolving and paying attention to the next reform Talked about the guidance.
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星期六的早晨我从床上跳起穿上我最好的套装 我上了车用喷气式飞机的速度奔向了你 我捧着我的真心去敲你的家门 去问你一个问题 因为我知道你是一个很保守的人
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