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在古代兵书上,雪地、沙漠、丛林、沼泽、山地、泥泞地带等不利于部队机动的地形,都被统称为“绝地”、“死地”。古人在利用这些地形时,通常的做法都是将对手逼入这类地形,或将对手在淤泥之中乱箭穿心,或利用自然因素将对手置于困境战而胜之。倒是魏将钟会、邓艾心高气盛,为争得入蜀先功,邓艾放弃大道,取阴平,“由不虞之道”用毛毡裹身,率先荡下陡崖,出其不意地占领蜀军重镇江油城。可见,对于复杂地形,古人敬而远之者居多,知难而上者甚少,除非像华西列夫斯基元帅进攻日本关东军一样,绝对的力量优势使其翻过大兴安岭 In ancient textbooks, terrains that are detrimental to the mobility of the troops, such as snow land, deserts, jungles, swamps, mountains and muddy areas, are collectively referred to as the “Jedi” and the “dead place.” When the ancients use these terrains, it is common practice to force their opponents into such terrains or to rival their opponents in muddy silt-ups, or to use natural factors to put the opponent in a difficult situation. It touches the Wei will Zhonghui, Deng Ai hearty, in order to win the first to enter Shu, Deng Ai to give up the road, take yinping, “by the end of the road ” wrapped with felt, the first swing the cliff, surrender unexpectedly Shu Military town Jiangyou City. Visible, for the complex terrain, the ancients are far away from home, very few people know the difficulties, unless Marshal Vassiliseshivsky attack the Japanese Kwantung Army, the absolute strength of superior turned it over the Greater Khingan Range
近年来,由于材料科学和化学方面研究成就,已成功地制造了能有效地减少雷达散射截面与电磁干扰的吸波材料。 In recent years, due to the achievements in material science
美国空军系统司令部在其最近发布的科技发展计划大纲的要点中指出,毫米波/光电/激光检测器、并行处理机、共形天线、放障弱化、容错电子装置和一体化 EW 系统是“关键技术”
何为卓越课堂?不言而喻,卓越课堂一种教学形态,集中表现为教师教得轻松、学生学得愉快。 What is excellent classroom? It goes without saying that a class of teaching
现有寻的导弹的改进 为了使导弹能发射后不管,要求对现有的库存导弹进行改进,即必须进行中制导。寻的导弹是在导引头锁定目标后才被发射的,而发射后不管导弹则是朝着碰撞点
The peristaltic transport of swallowed material in the esophagus is a neuro-muscular function involving the nerve control, bolus-structure interaction, and stru
一人工智能(AI)的研究领域AI 研究的课题很多,从根本上说,是如何处理知识的问题,即知识的获取、知识的表示和知识的利用这三个基本问题。1985年出版的《英国大百科全书》指
本文叙述了空空导弹的特殊使命要求,以及把这些要求综合到导弹与制导系统初步设划中去的自动化设计过程。这个过程是使用CAMS(Computer Aided Missile Synthesis)数字计算机