福利彩票、体育彩票近几年相继在各省市发售。新闻媒介也纷纷推出专版、专栏、专页进行大力宣传,为彩票的发展“火上加油”。 不客忽视的是,一些新闻媒介在报道彩票活动中,有意无意地走进了误区有的媒介大肆宣传“梦中得号、电话号码、生辰八字”等购号方法,使彩票销售蒙上了神秘色彩;有的大力宣传中奖者如何享用巨额奖金,助长了暴富心理的蔓廷。 我国发行彩票是“取之于民,用之于民”,同
Welfare lottery, sports lottery have been sold in various provinces and cities in recent years. The media have also launched special pages, columns, special pages for vigorous publicity, for the development of lottery “on fire.” It is not overlooked that some media in the coverage of lottery activities, deliberately or unconsciously walked into the misunderstanding of some media to hype “purchase number, phone number, birthday character” and other purchase number method, so that the lottery sales cast Mysterious; Some vigorously promote winners how to enjoy huge bonuses, contributed to the riches of the rich wildfire. The issue of lottery tickets in our country is “taken from the people and used to the people”, the same