
来源 :中国战略新兴产业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lurenjia1983
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未来五年,战略性新兴产业需要摆在更加突出的位置,在政策和资源上给予更多的倾斜。这是因为战略性新兴产业近年来成为稳增长、调结构、惠民生的重要力量,是实现我国经济持续稳定增长的迫切需求。刚刚告别“十二五”的收官之年,“十三五”的开局号角已经吹响。我国正从主要依靠土地、资本等投入驱动向技术创新带动经济增长转变,新产业、新技术将成为新的增长点。在去年末,党的十八届五中全会上通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五 The next five years, strategic emerging industries need to be placed in a more prominent position, given more tilt in the policy and resources. This is because strategic emerging industries have become an important force for steady growth, structural adjustment and people’s livelihood in recent years and are an urgent need to achieve sustained and steady economic growth in our country. Just bid farewell to the “twelfth five year” ending year, “thirteen five ” the opening bell has been sounded. Our country is shifting from economic growth mainly driven by inputs such as land and capital into technological innovation, and new industries and new technologies will become new growth points. At the end of last year, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee passed the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development
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精灵般的女子用心描绘精灵的世界静茹说:我们学习漫画是为了得到创作的快乐,而不是为了做一个漫画家。犹如浸泡在汤里面的勺子, Elf-like woman in the heart of the spirit
哟,这家伙怎么像个特种兵?  我藏的是兽儿观察仪和人兽语译机。
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由《西藏人文地理》和《中国国家地理》、《华夏地理》、《四川画报》、《成都商报》、《成都日报》等媒体协办,由邛崃市委、邛崃市人民政府主办,成都新时光文化机构承办的大型摄影活动“南方丝绸之路”于4 月11 日启动。  2300多年前,早在张骞尚未凿通西域、开辟西北丝绸之路以前,西南的先民们就已开发了一条自四川成都至滇池沿岸,经大理、保山、腾冲进入缅甸,远达印度的“蜀身毒道”(身毒是印度的古称),又称南
针对阀螺钉冷挤压成形时出现的凸模断裂问题,通过对断口的宏观观察,发现有疲劳特征。运用Deform2D/3D对模具的模拟显示凸模台阶圆角过渡处应力集中,等效应力2 930 MPa,超过凸