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路面结构分析一直是路面研究者探讨的焦点,因正确的结构分析方可得到合理的路面反应,路面结构分析已由早期的多层弹性理论发展至有限元素法的数值方法。为能模拟真正的路面反应,近年来三维有限元素法也被用于路面的分析,然而三维有限元素法的分析需使用大量的元素及计算时间,使得其应用性受到限制。边界元素法因只需对分析问题的边界进行离散化,可将二维的问题变为一维的问题,而三维的分析也可降为二维分析,故将其用于路面此种无限域的问题将是非常有效的工具。本研究将发展二维轴向对称非均质边界元素法程序,并将其用于路面的结构分析,所得结果也与有限元素法及多层弹性理论所得的位移与应力做比较,以说明边界元素法的有效性及其于路面分析的价值。 Pavement structure analysis has always been the focus of pavement researchers. The correct pavement response can be obtained by proper structural analysis. Pavement structural analysis has been developed from the early multi-layer elasticity theory to the numerical method of finite element method. In order to simulate real pavement reaction, three-dimensional finite element method has also been used for pavement analysis in recent years. However, the analysis of three-dimensional finite element method requires a large number of elements and calculation time, which limits its applicability. Because the boundary element method only needs to discretize the boundary of the analysis problem, the two-dimensional problem can be turned into a one-dimensional problem, and the three-dimensional analysis can also be reduced to two-dimensional analysis, so it is applied to such infinite fields The problem will be very effective tool. This study will develop a two-dimensional axially symmetric non-homogeneous boundary element method program and use it for pavement structural analysis. The results obtained are also compared with the displacement and stress obtained by the finite element method and the multilayer elastic theory to illustrate the boundary The Validity of Elemental Method and Its Value in Pavement Analysis.
目的 探讨循证护理干预在吻合器痔上黏膜环切术(PPH)治疗直肠黏膜脱垂中的应用效果.方法 对2017年11月至2019年10月收治的96例直肠黏膜脱垂PPH患者临床资料进行回顾性分析,按
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