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为认真学习贯彻党的十七大精神,迎接建党88周年,进一步增强党员意识和党性观念,本刊从2008年7月~2009年6月举办系列党史知识竞赛活动。竞赛方法:每期刊登一套竞赛试题,连续刊登12期。请将12套题答齐后,统一邮至《军队党的生活》鳊辑部(缺其中任何一套视为无效答卷)。参赛对象以党员和团员青年为主,采取单位组织、个人自答的方式参赛(试题可以复印)。奖项设置:组织奖15个、一等奖10人、二等奖30人、三等奖50人、纪念奖150人。评奖办法:届时由本刊组织党建专家统一阅卷,公正评奖。并将给获奖单位和个人颁发奖品和获奖证书。答卷请寄:北京市海淀区中关村南大街28号《军队党的生活》编辑部余彦隆邮编:100081 In order to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the CPC and meet the 88th anniversary of the founding of the party, and further enhance the party members’ awareness and the concept of the party spirit, this magazine held a series of party history knowledge contests from July 2008 to June 2009. Competition methods: Each issue of a competition test questions, published 12 issues. Please send 12 sets of questions and answer them in a unified manner to the editorial department of “The Life of the Army’s Party” (any one of them is considered invalid). Participants to party members and members of the youth-based, take the unit organization, the way the individual self-answer (questions can be copied). Awards set: organization award 15, first prize 10 people, second prize 30 people, third prize 50 people, commemorative award 150 people. Award Methods: By then organized by the party-building experts unified marking, fair award. Prizes and certificates will be awarded to the winners and individuals. Please send mail: Haidian District, Beijing Zhongguancun South Street on the 28th “army’s life” Editorial Department Yu Yanlong Post Code: 100081
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