来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdqbupt
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This paper introduces a new concept of community-based ecotourism (CBET) that originated in foreign countries. Then it analyzes the significance of CBET development in nature reserve (NR). The authors think that community participation is the evitable choice of nature reserve′s conservation and development. CBET, as the self-improved model of ecotourism, can promote tourism community sustainable development. Based on the stakeholder analysis of CBET in NRs, this paper addresses the reality, especially the problem of CBET development in NRs of China. In order to develop CBET in NRs of China, this paper takes some suggestions to promote the community participation: 1)gradual political empowerment, 2) deep level economic incentive, 3) widespread educational support, 4) impartial distribution of community benefits, and 5) stakeholders cooperation. This paper introduces a new concept of community-based ecotourism (CBET) that originated in foreign countries. Then it analyzes the significance of CBET development in nature reserve (NR). The authors think that community participation is the evitable choice of nature reserve’s conservation and development. CBET, as the self-improved model of ecotourism, can promote tourism community sustainable development. Based on the stakeholder analysis of CBET in NRs, this paper addresses the reality, especially the problem of CBET development in NRs of China. In order to develop CBET in NRs of China, this paper takes some suggestions to promote the community participation: 1) gradual political empowerment, 2) deep level economic incentive, 3) widespread education support, 4) impartial distribution of community benefits, and 5) stakeholders cooperation.
任何艺术都起源于生活,又为装点生活而存在、发展。中国剪纸出自民间,是如此地贴近生活,反映生活,成为人们所喜闻乐见的一种艺术。 Any art originated in life, but also
广西南部北部湾畔的钦州三娘湾,有近2000年的历史文脉,为万船集聚之地,素有“小香港”之称。千万年大自然的恩赐,既有1.5公里长的洁白沙带,亦有千姿百态的奇石,还有连片的防护林。夜间的涛声灯影,美丽的民间传说,激昂深情的海歌,令人赞叹不绝。香港摄影家创作拍摄的广西钦州三娘湾景观就荣获了国际大奖。    神奇传说:三婆(娘)石    三娘湾村,位于钦州市犀牛脚镇东面约5公里处海湾边,今有47个姓氏1
近年来 ,临床研究发现糖尿病患者丙型肝炎病毒感染率明显高于普通人群 ,而慢性丙型肝炎患者 2型糖尿病患病率明显高于普通人群和其他原因所致的慢性肝病患者 ,说明丙型肝炎病
糖尿病足溃疡的转归受供血、感染和病灶深度的影响。本研究旨在检查溃疡面积(大小)、部位,患者年龄、性别,糖尿病类型、病程对糖尿病足溃疡转归的影响。 The outcome of di