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今夜得宽余。我在网上浏览。在Popular Science上发现这篇文章“Cancer Vaccines”时,不觉眼睛一亮! 众所周知,目前我们对付癌症的主要办法有:chemotherapy,radiation andsurgery。 而美国的医学专家门已经正在研究除了chemotherapy,radiation and surgery之外的第4法:Cancer Vaccines。所谓Cancer Vaccines,并不是传统概念上的“疫苗”,因为; This new class of drugs are designed to treat people who already have the diseaseand do their work by training the immune system’s many type of cells to specificallydestroy cancer cells. 正在广泛使用的chemotherapy,radiation and surgery存在着一个共同点,即利用外在的力量来摧毁人体内的猖狂的癌细胞,而Cancer Vaccines的独特之处在于: They boost the body’s own immune system. 国人有句老话:堡垒最容易从内部攻破。 Cancer Vaccines的使用所以取得greatest success,原因也许在于此。 人类正面临世纪之交。这样的日子也许就在眼前:当你听说某人得了癌症时,你付之一笑:啊,小事一桩! 在本文的末尾,附有两个Email地址,供有条件的读者去浏览,去学习。 Too much tonight. I browse online. When the article “Cancer Vaccines” was found on Popular Science, he felt his eyes open! As we all know, the main methods we have to deal with cancer are: chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. And the United States medical experts are already studying the fourth method in addition to chemotherapy, radiation and surgery: Cancer Vaccines. The so-called Cancer Vaccines is not a traditional conceptual “vaccine” because this new class of drugs are designed to treat people who already have the disease and do their work by training the immune system’s many type of cells to specifically destroy cancer cells. The common use of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery is the use of external forces to destroy manic cancer cells. The uniqueness of Cancer Vaccines is: They boost the body’s own immune system. : The fortress is most easily broken from the inside. The reason for the use of Cancer Vaccines to achieve greatest success may be due to this. Humanity is facing the turn of the century. This day may be right in front of you: When you hear someone has cancer, you smile: Ah, a trivial thing! At the end of this article, two email addresses are attached for the conditional readers to browse and learn.
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