,Effect of Interface Bond Type on the Structure of InAs/GaSb Superlattices Grown by Metalorganic Che

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongtu200909
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InAs/GaSb type-Ⅱ superlattices were grown on (100) GaSb substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.Raman scattering spectroscopy reveals that it is possible to grow superlattices with almost pure GaAs-like and mixed-like (plane of mixed As and Sb atoms that connect the GaSb and InAs layers) interfaces.Introducing the InSb-like interface results in nanopipes and As contamination of the GaSb layers.X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy demonstrate that the superlattices with a mixed-like interface have better morphology and crystalline quality.InAs/GaSb type-Ⅱ superlattices (SLs) have been shown to be a promising alteative to the existing HgCdTe and quantum well infrared detectors.[1,2]This material system can be tailored over a wide range of infrared wavelength from 3 to more than 30 μm by changing the thicknesses of the InAs and GaSb layers.Using the same technique,the Auger recombination rate can be significantly reduced in InAs/GaSb SLs,which is especially important for realizing high-performance infrared detectors at room temperature.[3,4] Furthermore,due to the large electron effective mass of the SL structures,the bandto-band tunneling current is intrinsically small compared to that of HgCdTe.[5] Since both the anion and the cation change across the interface (IF) of the InAs/GaSb SL,two types of interfaces are possible,InSb-like and GaAs-like.It has been shown that the structure and infrared absorption cutoff wavelength of InAs/GaSb SLs depend on the type of interface bonds.
我有一位好老师,今天我要向大家夸夸她!如果让我用她的优点列一道数学公式,那就是美丽 可爱 认真=她!    美丽  她有1米8的个子,圆圆的脸上有一双闪亮光的小眼睛,一头乌黑的头发一直垂到下腰,看上去像一个乌黑的长地毯。她有些胖,但是穿上深色的裙子却显得很漂亮,因为穿上深色的衣服就显不出怎么胖了,长长的裙子,使得身材显得修长,这样的打扮加上她说话时的柔声细语,就显得更美丽啦!    可爱  今天一
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