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“书稿加工”包括许多方面,决不止是简单的“文字匠”工作。它要斟词酌句、修饰润色、订正标点符号,同时也还要纠正错误观点和不恰当的提法。后者似乎更重要。另外,“加工书稿”也不能满足于“不出问题”,而要尽可能的使其“锦上添花”,“更上一层楼”。 从以下几方面是值得加工时认真考虑的: 一、变换行文的语气。学术著作似需注意论述问题的口吻。说是“口吻”或曰“语气”,实际上是作者论述问题的立足点和论述问题的态度。一部学术著作,当然应该反映作者的观点和见解。但是阐明观点,发表见解,还是以研究,探讨问题的态度为好。不宜像发布命令似的。更不宜指摘、训人。有一部论述“学校管理”的书稿,作者这样写道:“各级学校都要坚决执行党的政治路线、思想路线和组织路线,要坚决执行党的教育方针,提高教育质量,培养德、智、体全面发展的人材。”接着又写道:“党的组织和党员要做好组织群众和宣传群众的工作。要充分发挥行政组织和学校的共青团、少先队、工会、学生会等群众组织的作用。建立和健全行政指导系统。不要以党代政,党政不分。”还有一部论述“工业经济管理”的书稿则说:“各级党委和政府”应当这样,应当那样。请看,两部书稿的作者把自己摆在什么位置上了?像不像发号施令,下达命令?我? “Manuscript processing” includes many aspects, more than just a simple “text miner” work. It wants to pour words, modify polish, correct punctuation, but also to correct wrong views and inappropriate references. The latter seems more important. In addition, “processing manuscripts” can not be satisfied with “no problem”, but to make it as “icing on the cake,” “a higher level.” From the following aspects are worth serious consideration processing: First, the tone of the language change. Academic works may need to pay attention to the tone of the problem. To say “tone” or “tone” is actually the author’s standpoint on the issue and his attitude. An academic book, of course, should reflect the author’s views and opinions. However, it is better to clarify our views, express our opinions, or to study and explore the issues. Should not be like issuing orders. More should not be accused, training people. There is a manuscript about “school administration,” the author wrote: “Schools at all levels must firmly implement the party’s political line, ideological line and organizational line. They must firmly implement the party’s education policy, improve the quality of education, and cultivate moral and intellectual , ”And went on to write:“ Party organizations and party members should do a good job of organizing the masses and propagandizing the masses, and give full play to the role of mass organizations such as Communist Youth League, Young Pioneers, trade unions and student unions in administrative organizations and schools. Establish and improve the system of administrative guidance. Do not use the party to represent the government, regardless of party and government. ”There is also a book on“ Industrial Economic Management, ”which states:" Party committees and governments at all levels should do the same. Look at the author of the two manuscripts placing himself in what position, like not giving orders, giving me orders?
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