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我国汉初军事家韩信神机妙算,百战百胜。传说在一次战斗前为了弄清敌方兵力,韩信化装到敌警外侦察,隔着高大寨墙偷听里面正在练兵的敌军的情况,只听得按3人一行整队时量后剩零头2人,按5人一行整队时剩零头3人,7人一行整队时剩零头2人。据此韩信很快算出敌兵人数,于是针对敌情调兵遣将,一举击败了敌兵。聪明的你能否根据最小公倍数以及整除最小正整数原理,算出敌兵共有多少人? Early Han Han Dynasty military strategist Han Xin Miracle, victorious. Legend in order to clarify the enemy forces before a fight, Han Xin Hua Zhuangzeng enemy reconnaissance, intercepted through the towering walls of the enemy is being trained inside the case, only to hear the whole team by the amount of three people left after the fraction 2 People, according to the entire team of 5 people left a fraction of the remaining 3 people, 7 people left the entire line when the two odd parts. According to this, Han Xin quickly figured out the number of enemy soldiers, so he dispatched troops to defend against the enemy and defeated enemy soldiers in one fell swoop. Clever you can according to the least common multiple and the divisible least positive integer principle, calculate the total number of enemy soldiers?
将思想政治工作建设置于灵魂和生命线地位而加以强调和重视的,只有我们这支军队。这是这支军队区别于其他军队的显著标志之一,也是这支军队克敌制胜的法宝之一。  从建军初期的党指挥枪、支部建在连上,包括党代表、政治指导员、政治委员的设立,这支军队的缔造者们首先从基础和根本制度上保证了思想政治建设所处的领导地位。我们可以从许多论述中看到毛泽东的思想。在名著《论持久战》中,毛泽东强调说:“没有进步的政治精神贯
军委胡锦涛主席指出,军队要把以人为本作为重要的建军治军理念牢固地确立起来。确立这一重要的建军治军理念,对部队基层来讲,就是各级领导干部要带着感情做好思想政治工作。从当前部队基层官兵的实际情况看,应当把握以下几点:  一要尊重官兵人主人翁地位。基层官兵是部队建设的主体,是做好部队各项工作的力量之源和胜利之本。领导干部必须怀着深厚的感情去关心和理解他们,不断强化对基层官兵主体地位的认识,从根本上弄清部
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