
来源 :昆虫天敌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tiny_Drunk
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青翅蚁形隐翅虫(Paederus fuscipes)是水稻害虫的重要天敌之一。据作者等人观察,它可捕食飞虱,叶蝉若虫,稻纵卷叶螟低龄幼虫,摇蚊、甘蔗蓟马等。在五十年代初期,此虫是稻田中常见的昆虫,六十年代以来,由于大量使用化学农药,隐翅虫的种群数量下降,有此地方几乎绝迹。根据本所水稻害虫防治研究组1974年在广东四会县大沙公社早稻的调查,化学防治前隐翅虫密度为每10平方米有34头(申算每亩有2260头)。施用农药甲基1605六六六粉(2.5市斤/亩)后,10平方米的隐翅虫数为零。说明农药的杀伤力是明显的。大面积实施综合防治措施以后,大田少用农药,隐翅虫种群数量由此明显增加。早春4月份每亩有隐翅虫2000头。为了探明目前常用农药对青翅蚁形隐翅虫的影响,作者根据国内一些常用农药对天敌影响的试验,测试了目前常用的七种农药对隐翅虫的杀伤情况,为综合防治选用高效低毒农药。以利于保护利用天敌提供依据。 Paederus fuscipes is one of the important natural enemies of rice pests. According to the observation by the author et al., It can prey on planthoppers, leafhoppers nymphs, young larvae of rice leaf roller, chironomid, sugarcane thrips, and the like. In the early 1950s, the insect was a common insect in paddy fields. Since the 1960s, due to the extensive use of chemical pesticides, the population of perennial flies has declined, and this area has almost disappeared. According to a survey conducted by the Research Team on Pest Insects and Pests of Early Rice by Dasha Commune in Sihui County, Guangdong Province, in 1974, the density of prey-predators was 34 per 10 m 2 (2260 acres per acre). Pesticide methyl 1605 six hundred sixty-six powder (2.5 kg / acre), 10 square meters of the number of pest flies zero. Describe the lethality of pesticides is obvious. Large areas after the implementation of comprehensive prevention and control measures, the field less pesticides, the number of perennial flocks thus significantly increased. In April, there were about 2,000 pelagic insects per acre in early spring. In order to find out the effect of the commonly used pesticides on the pest insects of the blue-winged pest, the author tested the killing effect of the seven commonly used pesticides on the pest flies according to the experiments of some domestic pesticides on the natural enemies, Low toxicity pesticides. In order to protect the use of natural enemies provide the basis.
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