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今年以来,榆林市榆阳区经济发展呈现出“逆势增长、稳健运行”的良好态势和“产业优化、转型加快”的总体特点,主要经济指标全部完成市下达的“双过半”任务,增长速度全部超过全市平均水平,成为全市经济发展态势最好的县区。1月-6月份,实现地区生产总值198.7亿元,增速21.8%,全市第一;固定资产投资148.4亿元,全市第一;社会消费品零售总额38.9亿元,全市第一;农民人均现金收入7599元,全市第一。此外,完成财政总收入45.2亿元,地方财政收入9.9亿元,均位居全市第三。转型效应:加快结构调整步伐,非煤产业成为“新支点”。“十一五”以来,榆阳区抓住榆林国家级能源化工基地建设机遇,充分利用区内富饶的煤炭资源优势,相继启动建设覆盖三次产业的“八 Since the beginning of this year, the economic development in Yuyang District of Yulin City has shown a good trend of ”contrarian growth and steady operation“ and the overall characteristics of ”industrial optimization and transformation accelerated“. The major economic indicators have all been completed More than half of the ”mission, the growth rate all over the city average, become the city’s economic development trend of the best county. From January to June, the GDP of the region reached 19.87 billion yuan, a growth rate of 21.8%, ranking the first in the city. The investment in fixed assets reached 14.44 billion yuan, ranking the first in the city. The retail sales of consumer goods totaled 3.89 billion yuan, ranking the first in the city. Peasants’ per capita cash Income 7599 yuan, the city’s first. In addition, the total fiscal revenue 4.52 billion yuan, local revenue 900 million yuan, both ranked third in the city. Transformation effect: speed up the pace of structural adjustment, non-coal industry has become “new fulcrum ”. Since the 11th Five-Year Plan, Yuyang District has seized the opportunity of the construction of Yulin National Energy and Chemical Industry Base, made full use of the abundant coal resources in the area and successively started the construction of "
本文叙述了稳态磁镜装置中使用的超导磁体系统的实验,并给出了实验结果。 This paper describes the experiment of the superconducting magnet system used in the steady
Adam, L.: “Grammaire de la langue tongouse,” in Revue delinguistique et de Philologie comparee, Vol. VI, Fasc. 2 and 3.I873 A myot, M. A.: “Dictionnaire. Tar