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为了大量繁殖供环境释放的空心莲子草叶甲Agasicles hygrophila以实现空心莲子草区域减灾,我们探索出室内大量饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的方法与流程,包括用叶片法或苗水培法孵化卵粒、用盒养法饲养各龄幼虫与成虫并供成虫产卵、用栽培活苗笼养法化蛹羽化。在室内成虫终日均能取食、交配、产卵,产卵前期约4~5d,产卵高峰期在羽化后第7~24天,每雌平均产卵21.08块,约570粒。盒养法叶片平均可着卵4.28块,叶背与叶面着卵量相近;笼养法叶片平均着卵为1.46块,卵主要产于叶背。盒养法与笼养法得到的卵孵化率分别为94.02%与92.50%。空心莲子草叶甲除化蛹需在栽培活苗上完成外,各龄幼虫与成虫均可用离体新鲜苗盒养法密集饲养。初孵1龄幼虫转株(叶)期、3龄老熟幼虫转化蛹苗期是室内大量饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的关键时期,高密度成功饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的最适化蛹接虫量是每株8头,产卵期雌虫的最适密度是每株5头。 In order to mass-produce Agasicles hygrophila for environmental release for the purpose of disaster reduction in A. philoxeroides, we explored methods and procedures for large-scale indoor breeding and reproduction of A. philoxeroides including hatching with leaf or seedling culture Egg, box-feeding method feeding each instar larvae and adult eggs for adults and spawning, cultivation of live seedlings cage law pupation eclosion. Adults in the laboratory can feed, mate and spawn all day long, about 4 ~ 5 days before spawning. The peak of spawning period is 7 ~ 24 days after eclosion, with an average of 21.08 pieces and about 570 eggs per female. The average number of eggs laid in the box-raising method was 4.28, and the number of eggs laid on the leaf-back was the same as that on the foliage. The egg hatching rates obtained by the box method and the cage method were 94.02% and 92.50%, respectively. Hollow lotus grass leafhopper in addition to the pupation of the need to be completed in the cultivation of live seedlings, all instar larvae and adults can be used in vitro fresh seedling box culture law intensive breeding. The first instar larvae of newly hatched larvae (leaf) stage, 3rd instar larvae of the transformation of pupae is a large indoor indoor breeding and reproduction of Alternanthera philoxeroides key period, the success of high-density breeding and propagation of Alternanthera philoxeroides the best The pupal pick-up is 8 per plant, and the optimal density of female in spawning period is 5 per plant.
患者女,29岁.双手掌、手腕白斑1年就诊.1年前患者无明显诱因于双手掌、手腕出现白斑,直径0.5~ 1.0 cm,无痒痛等不适症状,双手下垂时白斑明显,上举后很快消失.既往史无特殊,家
多发性脂囊瘤(steatocystoma multiplex)临床较为常见,多有家族遗传史,属常染色体显性遗传病,常发生于青年,偶有中年发病,好发于躯干、四肢,其他部位少见。现报告2例分别发生