中国现代文学译入强势文化中改写的主体因素研究——以老舍作品的Evan King译本为例

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目前国内对中国现代文学英译中的改写研究大多为零星研究,多注重宏观与外部客体因素的研究,却忽视了改写现象中主体因素的研究。本文欲以中国现代文学作品《骆驼祥子》与《离婚》的Evan King英译本为个案,综合运用翻译文本、翻译副文本(如翻译评论、书信、前言、译序等)等重要文字材料,从处于弱势文化的中国现代文学译入强势文化的过程中的被改写,对作者、译者、出版商与读者等因素深入剖析弱势文化译入强势文化的运作,以期为深化中国现代文学在英语世界的接受与传播研究提供借鉴。 At present, most of the researches on the rewriting of Chinese modern literary translation are sporadic research, focusing more on the research of the macroscopic and external factors, but ignoring the research on the main factors of the rewriting phenomenon. This essay tries to use English version of Evan King, the modern Chinese literary works “Camel Shoko” and “Divorce” as the case study, and make comprehensive use of translation texts and translation of important texts such as translation comments, letters, prefaces, Chinese modern literature in disadvantaged culture was rewritten in the process of transplanting into the strong culture, and the factors such as author, translator, publisher and reader were deeply analyzed. The disadvantaged culture was translated into the operation of the strong culture in order to deepen the Chinese modern literature in the English-speaking world Acceptance and dissemination of research to provide reference.
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