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普瑞博恩(Prepulsid)在临床上又叫西沙必利(Cisapride),是第三代全胃肠道动力药,临床用于治疗胃轻瘫症和上消化道不适、胃食道反流等。近年来随着临床应用日益增多,不良反应也时有报道,现综合介绍如下。 Prepulsid, clinically called Cisapride, is the third generation of total gastrointestinal motility drug used clinically to treat gastroparesis and upper gastrointestinal discomfort and gastroesophageal reflux. In recent years, with the increasing clinical application, adverse reactions are also reported from time to time, are summarized below.
Rehmannia is a commonly used Chinese herb,which improves learning and memory.However,the crucial components of the signal transduction pathway associated with t
1临床资料例1:男,38岁.因车祸挤压伤双下肢1 h,致右股骨闭合性骨折,左胫腓骨开放性粉碎骨折入院.行钢板内固定术后28 h,出现胸闷、胸痛、面色苍白,烦燥.继之处于浅昏迷状态,
A reduction in gray matter volume is common in patients with chronic back pain, and different types of pain are associated with gray matter abnormalities in dis
Over-production of nitric oxide is pathogenic for neuronal apoptosis around the ischemic area following ischemic brain injury.In this study,an apoptotic model i
Reactive oxygen species have been implicated in conditions ranging from cardiovascular dysfunc-tion, arthritis, cancer, to aging and age-related disorders. The
目的 :探讨左半结肠癌致急性结肠梗阻Ⅰ期切除吻合术的疗效和可行性。方法 :运用术中结肠灌洗对 12例左半结肠癌致急性结肠梗阻患者行Ⅰ期切除吻合术。结果 :12例患者全部达