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天津最早的路边冷食摊,出现在清末.当时北门西边一带树阴下,每到夏天,常听到清脆的“冰盏”声,这是摆摊卖“红果酪”、“果子酪”的.卖者在木板上放两个大白瓷盆,一个盛红果酪,一个盛果子酪,酪上飘着几块天然冰块,盆上罩着笼布以防尘土.卖者手 The earliest roadside cold food stalls in Tianjin appeared in the late Qing Dynasty when the shade of the “ice light” was often heard every summer in the north of the north gate. This was the place where stalls selling “red cheese” and “fruit cheese” The seller put two large white porcelain pots on the wooden board, a red cheesesteam, a fruit cheese, a few pieces of natural ice floating on the cheese, covered with cloth to prevent dust.
目的 加强对肝内胆管结石并发周围型胆管癌临床特点的认识.方法回顾性分析1995年1月至2002年12月经病理证实的11例肝内胆管结石并发周围型胆管癌的临床资料,并对其诊断、治疗和预后进行总结.结果 11例周围型胆管癌的发生率占同期肝内胆管结石患者的5.1%(11/215),左肝占64.7%(7/11).11例均经手术治疗,术前诊断率为27%(3/11),术中漏诊率为18%(2/11),根治性切除率
看了《中国食品》1986年第4期上,施经声同志介绍的“煺鸡鸭毛的水温和时间”一文 Read the “Chinese food” in 1986 on the 4th period, Comrade Shi Jingsheng introduc
課文 kè wén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.哥哥,今天晚上我們吃西餐。 Gē ge,Jīn tiān wǎn shang wǒ men chī xī cān. Elder brother,we are going to have weste
节饮食以养胃,多读书以养胆[注].——庄周(注:胆——胆识) 食甘[注]者益于肉而骨不利也。 Diet to stomach, more books to keep the gallbladder [Note] .-- Zhuang Zhou
一次婚礼宴席上,我为新人制作了一道“发菜鸳鸯蛋”: 清澈透明的汤面上,飘浮着点点青葱,黑色的发菜丝中,游动着一对对黄、 A wedding feast, I made for the couple a “ha
四川省井研县出产优质小麦,小麦面筋含量高,是生产优质挂面的上等原料.该县生产的岷东牌挂面(分“何郎面”和“银丝挂面”两种)在1986年荣获中 Jingjing County, Sichuan P
原料: 新鮮蝦仁 10盎司(300克) 龍井茶葉(或綠茶葉) 1湯匙 鷄蛋清 1個 紹酒 3茶匙精鹽 1茶匙味精(可以不用) 1茶匙 濕玉米粉 2湯匙玉米粉與1湯匙水調匀植物油 4杯(1000毫升)
这里介绍几个带虎名的菜肴,其原料并非用虎肉来做,只是它们的外形或象虎皮,或 Here are a few tiger-named dishes that are not made from tiger meat, except their shap
晚秋之季,蛇肥肉香.正是制蛇肴、饱口福的好时机.蛇肉味道鲜美,营养丰富,食者 The late autumn season, snake fat meat. It is the system of snake cuisine, a good time
读者支振通来信说:读了贵刊第8期第六页中所载《西餐的烧》一文,想与作者做一探讨。 Letters from the supporters of the readership: When you read the article entitle