
来源 :上海教育科研 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcqinyuyang
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一、调查目的中小学生作文严重脱离实际,这是语文教学同行常有议论的问题。但是,对“实”的理解多为社会生活实际,如强调中小学作文要写现实社会中常用的各种文体,或要求中小学生多接触社会实际,写社会生活。笔者觉得当前中小学作文训练写实的“实”,还要有更具体明确的指向。“实”可分成以下三个方面: 1、从指导思想看,要明确学作文是为了投身社会,掌握文字交际工具,因而要从实出发训练能力,而不是一味为了考试得高分,离开实际,片面追求所谓技巧。2、从作文目的看,每篇作文都应该明确要表 First, the purpose of the survey Primary and secondary school students writing seriously out of practice, this is the language teaching colleagues often talk about the issue. However, most of the comprehension about “real” is actually the social life. For example, it emphasizes that writing in primary and secondary schools should write various kinds of style commonly used in the real society or that primary and secondary students need more contact with social reality and social life. I think the current practice of writing practice in primary and secondary schools, “real”, but also have more specific and clear direction. “Real” can be divided into the following three aspects: 1, from the guiding ideology, to learn clearly the composition is to join the community, to grasp the language of communication tools, and therefore to really start training ability, rather than blindly in order to score high scores, Unilateral pursuit of so-called skills. 2, from the purpose of composition, each composition should be clear to the table
例1:男,28岁。因微热、轻咳、周身乏力3天,按感冒处理2天,病情无好转来诊。 T38℃,P110次/分, R26次/分, BP92/65mmHg。胸透示双肺纹理增强。WBC10×10~9/L,N0.82、L0.18,心
以红皮病为首发表现的恶性肿瘤临床少见,本院收治1例,报告如下。 患者 男,52岁。主因全身皮肤瘙痒、乏力3 The first manifestation of erythroderma malignant tumor clin
在2015年德国国际橡胶工业展览会国际橡胶会议上,杜邦高性能聚合物事业部推出了杜邦Vamac VMX5000系列。这是1个新型已商业化的乙烯丙烯酸酯弹性体(AEM)预混胶系列,它可以
我院收治2例难治性心衰病人,采用正规强心利尿、抗感染、血管扩张剂及抗凝治疗无效。改用 In our hospital, 2 patients with refractory heart failure were treated with