Numerical Simulation of Stress and Deformation for a Duplex Stainless Steel Impeller during Casting

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjie333666
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A large-scale,thin wall duplex stainless steel impeller with complex geometry was deformed severely and unpredictably during casting and heat treatment processes resulted in dimensional failure for the final part. In this paper,the distortion of the impeller during casting and heat treatment was calculated.A commercial software,Experto-ViewCast,was used to simulate the transient heat transfer,solidification and mechanical behaviors during the casting and the heat treatment process.The coupled set of governing differential equations for mass,energy and mechanical balance were solved by finite control volume and finite element method.A thermoelastic-visco-plastic rheological model was used to compute the constrained shrinkage of the casting. At each time increment,a coupling of the heat transfer and mechanics was performed.Comparison of the experimental measurements with the model predictions showed good agreement.From the calculated displacements of key points of the blade,the proper inverse displacements were determined to provide an optimum casting pattern and to achieve a uniform and reasonable machining allowance for both faces of the blade. A large-scale, thin wall duplex stainless steel impeller with complex geometry was deformed severely and unpredictably during casting and heat treatment processes resulted in dimensional failure for the final part. In this paper, the distortion of the impeller during casting and heat treatment was was calculated . A commercial software, Experto-ViewCast, was used to simulate the transient heat transfer, solidification and mechanical behaviors were the casting and the heat treatment process. The coupled set of mutually governing differential equations for mass, energy and mechanical balance were solved by finite control volume and finite element method. A thermoelastic-visco-plastic rheological model was used to compute the constrained shrinkage of the casting. At least one increment of a coupling of the heat transfer and mechanics was performed. Comparison of the experimental measurements with the model predictions showed good agreement. From the calculated displacements of key points of the blade, the proper in verse displacements were determined to provide an optimum casting pattern and to achieve a uniform and reasonable machining allowance for both faces of the blade.
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