
来源 :当代江西 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winter2009
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今年县乡换届结束后,弋阳县委将加强领导班子建设摆在突出位置,通过加强教育培训、制度建设、作风建设、内在激励,提升县乡领导班子学习力、执行力、自律力、原动力,强化县乡领导班子自身建设。加强教育培训,提升县乡领导班子“学习力”。建立完善县乡领导班子中心组学习制度,通过“以调促学”、“以评促学”、“以考促学”等办法,增强领导干部学习的自觉性和主 After the county-level general election this year, Yiyang County Committee will strengthen the leadership of the construction in a prominent position, by strengthening education and training, system construction, style construction, internal incentives to enhance the county and township leadership learning ability, execution, self-discipline, the driving force, Strengthen the self-construction of county and township leadership. Strengthen education and training to enhance the leading group of county and township “learning power ”. Establish and improve the learning system of the leading group of county and township leaders to enhance the consciousness and main body of the leading cadres’ learning through such measures as “promoting tuition through learning”, “promoting evaluation through evaluation”, “promoting education through examination”, etc.
在气候、生态、水文和生地化学等许多研究领域,地表温度(Land surface temperature,LST)都具有重要的研究意义。并且,地表温度也是陆地和大气界面的重要参数之一。遥感是获取区域
摘要:德育教育是中职学校的重要环节,如何实施和加强中学德育教育和管理,是目前加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的基本途径,本文结合本人职业教育经验,浅谈德育教育的心得。  关键词:学生;德育教育;教师  德育教育是中职学校的重要环节,作为职业学校的教师运用得当的德育教育方法,使学生接受思想品德教育,有利于学生学习和行为习惯的养成。如何加强和改进学校的德育工作,認真研究和把握当今学生的思想特点,有针对性