Recognition of Red Cell and Megakaryocyte Based L-Shaped Envelope Function

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mjc198603
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In order to explore the cell composition and its metabolism,it is important to let computer recognize the cells and get the counts of different cells for a sample.This paper proposes an L-shaped envelop function and the related fuzzy clustering method as a way to identify the megakaryocyte and the red cell from the sliced marrow image.This method is useful when the staining is insufficient and the color cannot be used as the identifying factor.This method uses the experimental histogram data to fit the L-shaped function and then use it as the envelop for the match test.The fuzzy c-means(FCM) performance index is used to test the adjacent area and get the minimum and finally secure the identification.The new method is not limited to megakaryocyte or red cell and can be used for general purposes of cell recognition.Tests show that this envelop function can ensure the recognition rate with different staining batches and can reach satisfied counting under similar illumination condition. In order to explore the cell composition and its metabolism, it is important to let computer recognize the cells and get the counts of different cells for a sample. This paper proposes an L-shaped envelop function and the related fuzzy clustering method as a way to identify the megakaryocyte and the red cell from the sliced ​​marrow image. This method is useful when the staining is insufficient and the color can not be used as the identifying factor. This method uses the experimental histogram data to fit the L-shaped function and then use it as the envelop for the match test. The fuzzy c-means (FCM) performance index is used to test the adjacent area and get the minimum and finally secure the identification. The new method is not limited to megakaryocyte or red cell and can be used for general purposes of cell recognition.Tests show that this envelop function can ensure the recognition rate with different staining batches and can reach satisfied counting under similar illumination condition.
1.有关提高工艺用往复活塞式压缩机设计和制造水平,提高运转率、易损件寿命、自动化程度的内容; 2.有关工艺用往复活塞式压缩机大型化、机组化和无油化的报导; 3.有关动力
In this paper, we report an antibody functionalized microimmunopreci- pitation(μIP) method used for enrich lowabundant post-translational modified(PTM) protein
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1  那天晚饭时,铃铛小嘴儿欢快着,正哒哒哒地讲着跟同桌的趣事时,我冲她爸使个眼色。她爸瞬间会意,冷不丁大声说:“哎,闺女,你说今天你妈做这菠萝老肉怎么样?吃头两口时我还觉得味道不错,好好品品,番茄酱似乎用少了一点啊。”  这一句,让铃铛的兴致一下子落入冰点,笑容凝固,筷子停在半空中。她愣一愣,大声抗议:“妈,你看我爸,人家说得好好的,他偏要讲啥菠萝老肉,什么意思啊。”  她爸瞪着眼睛正色辩解:“