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俗话说,商场如战场。传统上那是男人的世界。然而,时代毕竟不同了,如今,女人们的倩影也频频在那里闪现。连一向热衷于为男人、为富翁排榜列传的《财富》杂志也打破常规,从1998年起遴选女中豪杰,从成功的女企业家中选出最优秀的50人。那些傲慢的男老总们无可奈何地说,“如果我们仅把眼睛盯在那49%,那么我们就会忽略很 As the saying goes, shopping malls like the battlefield. Traditionally it was the world of men. However, the era is different after all, and now, the shadows of the women are frequently flashed there. Even Fortune, which has long been passionate about being a man and a richest man, has also broken the routine. From 1998 onwards, it has selected the best of both genders and picked the 50 best successful women entrepreneurs. Those arrogant male CEOs say helplessly, "If we only focus on that 49%, then we will ignore it