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在我所读过的社科人文思想类书籍中,田松教授的《稻香园随笔》算是颇具浩然之气的一部。我偏爱这部书对工业文明批判的透彻,对人类生存现状反思的深刻。它是一部以超越主流意识形态的视角,思考在俗世之中从事业已为常的事务的佳作。作者从整体论的视角俯瞰,在其麾下,人类族群的每一个个体皆与他者、与社会、与自然、与地球融合成为一个整体。作者言:“当我们习惯了陌生, In the social science and humanities I have read books, Professor Tian Song ”Daoxiang Park essay“ is regarded as quite awe-inspiring one. I prefer this book to the thorough criticism of industrial civilization, profound reflection on the status quo of human existence. It is a masterpiece that goes beyond the mainstream ideology and ponders on what has always been done in secular life. From the perspective of holism, the author, in his command, every individual of the human race is integrated with the other, with society, with nature, and with the earth. Author says: ”When we get used to strangers,
三月到了,桃花开了,樱花谢了,满屋子沐浴着春天的气息。伫立在院中,轻轻闭上眼睛,一阵风轻轻地吹过来。这风,不像冬天的风那般刺骨,又不像秋天的风那样带有寒 When it arriv
[原文]心里话要问我是谁/过去我总不愿回答/因为我怕/我怕被城里的孩子笑话/我们的校园很小/放不下一个鞍马/我们的教室简陋/还经常 [Original] In my heart I have to ask
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大路在远方,我要到大海去。  雾霭环绕着青苍苍的山谷,山谷环绕着我。我四顾茫然:该往哪条路走呢?  在山溪畔,我遇见一位学问家,就问他,去大海,该走哪条路。  “你问大海吗?”他正襟危坐,对我说,“海比江河大,江河比海小,这是千古不易的真理。”  “是的,先生。”我说,“不过,我是想问,走哪条路,才能到达大海。”  他毫不理会,向我滔滔论证:为什么“海比江河大,江河比海小”。  我恭听着,他的话像
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你,一身大丈夫气概,一腔豪情热血;你一身凛然正气,一份青云不坠之志。你拥有李白“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来”的豪 You, a manly spirit, a passionate and passionat
有多年高考阅卷经验的一位教师总结出了学生高考失分的十大原因: One teacher who has many years of experience in college entrance examination and scoring has summar
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中国物流与采购联合会发布,2008年9月,CFLP中国非制造业商务活动指数为58.1%,比8月份提高4.3个百分点。该指数在8月份升幅出现明显回落后,9月份指数开始回升。 China Federa