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   1. If you ____ practising the piano every day, you could become quite a good musician.
  A. stick to B. keep upC. insistD. suggest
   2. Our team ____ very well in the match yesterday and won second place.
  A. informedB. performedC. reformedD. uniformed
   3. He suggested an ____ of their plan in part but not completely.
  A. adaptionB. adoptionC. useD. choice
   4. He managed to prevent himself from ____.
  A. discoveringB. discovered
  C. being discovered D. having discovered
   5. Now children are ____ good books.
  A. in great need ofB. in greatly need of
  C. great need ofD. greatly need of
   6. She wanted the man she was looking forward ____ stay with her.
  A. for toB. to C. to toD. with to
   7. We shall go to visit the place of interest ____ tomorrow.
  A. even though it will rainB. even if it rains
  C. though it rainsD. even if it will rain
   8. We are ____ for the new president to make us a speech in ____ public.
  A. eager; /B. eager; theC. anxious; /D. anxious; the
   9. Advertisements ____ on these facts have been printed in newspapers and magazines, which have not helped much.
  A. basingB. to baseC. basedD. having based
  10. All the offices in our school have been ____ with computers.
  A. offeredB. equippedC. givenD. provided
  11. ____ you can’t answer the question, perhaps we’d better ask someone else.
  A. ForB. As soon as C. SinceD. Although
  12. The friendly ____ between different peoples can increase the cultural and economic interchange.
  A. linkB. unionC. touchD. contact
  13. The children’s mother was ____ about their safety when they didn’t come back from school at the usual time.
  A. curiousB. concernedC. annoyedD. interested
  14. No matter how I tried to read it, I couldn’t make ____ of the sentence.
  A. differenceB. senseC. meaningD. use
  15. The boy used to ____ late at night, but now he has been used to ____ early.
  A. stay up; going to bedB. staying up; going to bed
  C. stay up; go to bedD. staying up; go to bed
  My husband has a favorite saying: “A bargain is really a bargain when you don’t buy it.” __1__ he sets aside his simple ways when we dine out. His relatives always enter a restaurant with calculators to make sure they never __2__ more, but my husband __3__ 5 percent each time to the accepted standard increases. I think the habit __4__ from his high school years, when he worked as a waiter and got tips from people. Over the years, our growing boys would suggest Dad let them __5__ dessert rather than tip so much. He stood firm __6__ their strong demands. We have __7__ to accept his habit. Recently, we __8__ our son’s girlfriend to seafood. Our server, a grandmotherly woman __9__ at the art of service, flew around the restaurant serving dishes and drinks __10__ treating customers warm-heartedly. She remembered their special __11__, likes and dislikes. She didn’t serve us __12__ food. She served us the best food. In the end our waitress __13__ the bill, then went to __14__ to the growing crowd of other diners. My husband paid with a credit card and added her tip. She thanked him warmly. Wondering if he had done something __15__ or made a calculation error, I asked, “What did you give her?” “She gave us great service and deserved a big __16__ in tips.” Later I realized the grateful waitress had given my family something __17__ a thank you. She showed our son the __18__ of recognizing hard work. Her show of gratitude helped a Dad earn a bit more __19__ from a loving son. And it reminded me why I married this __20__, caring man.
   1. A. Therefore B. Yet C. Instead D. Besides
   2. A. tipped B. spentC. chargedD. wasted
   3. A. addsB. suppliesC. refuses D. provides
   4. A. developed B. resultedC. appeared D. changed
   5. A. orderB. choose C. book D. ask
   6. A. forB. to C. againstD. with
   7. A. decided B. agreed C. come D. happened
   8. A. helpedB. requested C. treated D. led
   9. A. quick B. familiarC. weakD. skilled
  10. A. before B. after C. untilD. while
  11. A. characters B. featuresC. tastesD. favorites
  12. A. cheap B. specialC. averageD. delicious
  13. A. presentedB. tookC. deliveredD. settled
  14. A. turnB. talkC. waitD. attend
  15. A. demanding B. ashamedC. unreasonableD. puzzling
  16. A. riseB. reward C. payD. prize
  17. A. less thanB. more thanC. rather thanD. other than 18. A. importanceB. situation C. meaningD. effort
  19. A. attentionB. care C. praiseD. respect
  20. A. easy-goingB. thoughtful C. toughD. serious
  Human Blood Types
  You have been badly injured in a car accident. It is necessary to give you a blood in blood transfusion because you lost a great deal of blood in the accident, however, special care must be taken in selecting new blood for you. If the blood is too different from your own, the transfusion could kill you.
  There are four basic types of blood:A, B, AB and O. A single test can tell us a person’s blood type. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. Blood type, like hair color and height, is inherited from parents. Because of the substances contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused carefully. Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. O can be given to any other group, so it is often called the universal donor. For the opposite reason, AB is sometimes called the universal recipient. However, because there can be so many reactions in transfusions, patients usually receive only salt or plasma(血浆) until their blood can be matched as exactly as possible in the blood bank of the hospital. In this way, it is possible to avoid any bad reactions to the transfusion.
  There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality. Among the Europeans, about 42 percent have type A while 45 percent have type O. The rarest is type AB. Other races have different percentage. For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O.
   1. Which of the following diagrams shows the correct relationship in blood transfusions?(giving blood to→) ____.

   2. Usually, a person who has been injured and lost too much blood should be given a blood transfusion ____.
  A. after he has a good test
  B. after he receives salt or plasma
  C. immediately after the accident happens
  D. before there are so many reactions
   3. The writer suggests that the third most common blood type among the Europeans is ____.
  A. B B. A C. AB D. O
   4. The passage mainly tells us that ____.
  A. there is only one type of blood in a person’s body
  B. a person’s blood type is decided by hair and height
  C. a person’s blood type can be changed into another
  D. there are four basic types of blood in a person’s body
  As a result of pollution, Lake Erie, on the borders of the USA and Canada, is now without any living things.Pollution in water is not simply a matter of“poisons” killing large numbers of fish overnight. Very often the effects of pollution are not noticed for many months or years because the first organisms(生物体) to be affected are either plants or plankton. But these organisms are the food of fish and birds and other creatures. When this food disappears, the fish and birds die too. In this way a whole food chain can be wiped out, and it’s not until dead fish and water birds are seen at the river’s edge or on the seashore that people realize what is happening.
  Where do the substances which pollute the water come from? There are two main sources of sewage(污水) and industrial waste. As more detergent(洗涤剂) is used in the home, more of it is finally put into our rivers, lakes and seas. Detergents harm water birds, dissolving the natural substances which keep their feathers water-proof. Sewage itself, if not properly treated, makes the water dirty and prevents all forms of life in rivers and the sea from receiving the oxygen they need. Industrial waste is even more harmful as there are many highly poisonous things in it, such as copper and lead(铅).
  So, if we want to stop this pollution, the answer is simple: sewage and industrial waste must be made clear before flowing into the water. It may already be too late to save some rivers and lakes, but others can still be saved if the correct action is taken at once.
   5. Pollution of water is noticed ____.
  A. when the first organisms are affected
  B. when a good many fish and birds die
  C. when poisonous things are poured into water
  D. as soon as the balance of nature is destroyed
   6. The living things die because there is no ____ in the lake or river. A. water B. fishC. poisonD. oxygen
   7. Which of the following is harmful according to the passage? ____.
  A. Organisms
  B. Plants and plankton in the water
  C. Waste water from cleaning
  D. Industrial waste made clear before flowing into the water
   8. The way to stop water pollution is to ____.
  A. realize the serious situation clearly
  B. put oxygen into the river
  C. make the waste material harmless before flowing into the water
  D. make special room in the sea for our rubbish
  Sport not only is physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism(批評) from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive(过度的) amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional(情感的), or psychological(心理的), and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.
  The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to work together with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents’ and coaches’ criticisms to heart and find a flaw(缺陷) in themselves.
  Coaches and parents, should also be careful that youth sport participation(参与) doesn’t become the work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today’s youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game, many parents and coaches direct their attention on the outcome and find fault with young people’s performances. Research indicates that positive(主动的) reinforcement(加强) motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.
   9. An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is to ____.
  A. reduce their mental stress
  B. increase their sense of stress
  C. make sports less competitive
  D. make sports more challenging
  10. According to the passage, sport is positive for young people in that ____.
  A. it can create high levels of stress
  B. it enables them to find flaws in themselves
  C. it can provide them with valuable experiences
  D. it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves
  11. According to the passage parents and coaches should ____.
  A. pay more attention to letting children enjoy sports
  B. help children to win every game
  C. train children to deal with stress
  D. enable children to understand the positive aspect of sports
  12. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to ____.
  A. teach young athletes how to avoid burnout
  B. persuade young children not to worry about criticism
  C. stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children
  D. discuss the skill of mixing criticism with encouragement
  In the old days, children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. Now this is perhaps the first generation of American youngsters who have never been close by during the birth of a baby and have never experienced the death of a family member.
  Nowadays when people grow old, we often send them to nursing homes. When they get sick, we send them to a hospital, where children are forbidden to visit terminally(晚期的) ill patients—even when those patients are their parents. This deprives(剝夺) the dying patient of significant family members during the last few days of his life and it deprives the children of an experience of death, which is an important learning experience.Some of my colleagues and I once interviewed and followed about 500 terminally ill patients in order to find out what they could teach us and how we could be of more benefit, not just to them but to the members of their families as well. We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of their serious illness were quite aware of its potential(潜在的) outcome.
  It is important for family members, doctors and nurses to understand these patients’ communication in order to truly understand their needs, fears and fantasies(幻想). Most of our patients welcomed another human being with whom they could talk openly, honestly, and frankly about their trouble. Many of them shared with us their great need to be informed, to be kept up-to-date on their medical condition and to be told when the end was near. We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better able to cope with the coming of death and finally to reach a true stage of acceptance before death.
  13. The elders of today’s Americans ____.
  A. are often absent when a family member is born or dying
  B. are unfamiliar with birth and death
  C. usually see the birth or death of a family member
  D. have often experienced the fear of death as part of life
  14. Children in America are deprived of the chance to ____.
  A. visit a patient in hospital
  B. visit their family members
  C. learn how to face death
  D. look after the patients
  15. The need of a dying patient for people to accompany(陪伴) him shows ____.
  A. his wish for communication with other people
  B. his fear of death
  C. his unwillingness to die
  D. he feels very upset about his condition
  16. It may be concluded from the passage that ____.
  A. dying patients should be truthfully informed of their condition
  B. dying patients are afraid of being told of the coming of death
  C. most patients are unable to accept death until it can’t be avoided
  D. most doctors and nurses understand what dying patients need
  Language is a major problem for the European Union(EU). The agreement or treaty(條约) which created the organization that eventually became the EU, the Treaty of Rome, stated that each country’s language must be treated equally. The original six countries had only three languages between them: French, German and Dutch/Flemish. However, there are now 25 countries in the EU, with a total of 20 languages. EU documents must be translated into all these languages, and at official meetings the speeches must be translated into all the languages by interpreters.
  All this translating is very expensive and time-consuming. It is said that nearly half of all employees of the EU are engaged in translating documents and speeches, and nearly half of the EU’s administrative(管理方面的) costs are spent on this task. In the near future it is probable that several more countries, most of which have their own languages, will join the EU, thus making the situation even worse.
  The problem is not just cost; there are practical difficulties as well. With 20 languages, there are many possible “translation situations” that might be needed. It is often difficult to find people in the right place at the right time who can translate from (for example) Danish into Greek, or Dutch into Portuguese, at a high professional standard.
  In practice the problem has been made less severe by the use of English in many contacts between EU officials, since almost all of them speak some English. However, any move to reduce the number of official languages(perhaps to four or five) would be a blow to the pride of the smaller countries. Another commonly suggested solution is to make English the official language for all EU business. However, this is strongly resisted by powerful member countries like France and Germany.
  17. The organization that eventually became the EU ____.
  A. was started by France and Germany
  B. started with three countries
  C. was set up by the Treaty of Rome
  D. included 132 languages
  18. What’s the main purpose of this passage?____.
  A. To give a solution to a problem
  B. To find out a problem and show how severe it is
  C. To criticize the European Union for its inefficiency
  D. To show that the problem cannot be solved
  19. The writer mentions “Danish into Greek” as an example of ____.
  A. a situation that might be difficult to deal with
  B. a situation that occurs often
  C. one of the 12 situations that requires an interpreter
  D. languages easily being interpreted
   20. The writer suggests that if the number of official languages was
   reduced ____.
  A. the EU would not know which official languages to choose
  B. countries whose languages were not used officially would be
  C. only languages which are easy to translate would be used officially
  D. the smaller member countries would be pleased
  Dear Anish,
  Here are the information about Manchester University. 1.____
  It is about 200 miles far away from London, and it2.____
  has a very big schoolyard. You can live in the school 3.____
  or near the school. They have all sorts of course.4.____
  I’m sure you will find one you like it. I know you 5.____
  are particular interested in Human Rights. So I will 6.____
  see that there is anything on their website(网址). 7.____
  I’ll send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport 8.____
  when you arrived. You met him a few years ago, but he 9.____
  has changed a lot since then. Both your aunt or I 10.____
  look forward to seeing you again.
  See you soon. Pat

Ⅰ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)     1. She was so ____ in the job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.  A. attractedB. absorbedC. drawnD. concentrated   2. Strangely the story ____ is popular
(A)    A recent survey shows many Chinese college students are hoping to earn a monthly salary between 2,000 yuan and 3,000 yuan after gradua-tion, an expectation that is too high, said a Chinese care
1.fit;suit    二者都用作动词,可指衣服“合适”或“适合”的意思。fit指大小尺寸合体,suit指颜色、花样或款式适合。如:
对动词时态的考查是历年高考命题的重点,近年来各地高考对动词时态的考查更侧重于语境化、交际化的理解。通过对2007年全国及部分省(市)试题的分析,我们不难看出高考对动词时态的考查热点主要体现在以下几个方面。    一、一般过去时态——2007年高考最热考点之一    考点1:表示过去已完成的动作或状态(与现在没有关系),常与表示过去的具体时间状语连用。  ① I know a little bit
Ⅰ.單项填空     1. I haven’t done anything wrong, so I’ve got a good ____.  A. confidenceB. innocenceC. consciousnessD. conscience   2. I can hardly get interested in anything about music, so I don’t ____
1. John was so sleepy that he could not keep his eyes_____.  A.open B.opened C.to open D.opening
Ⅰ.单项选择  1.This is a disease that can result in total blindness____left untreated.  A. after B.if C.since D.unless
1. He was the first to_____the danger.  A. spot B.iecognize C. notice D watch  2. The monument_____a bird was built_____the heroes who lost theirlives in the war.  A. in the shape of, in memory of  B
(A)  Mrs Simon: What are you going to do this weekend?  Mr Simon: I'm not sure. M______my uncle will come to see meif the weather is good.  Mrs Simon: But it's raining now I d_____think he will come