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城市人口的持续增长,土地资源的紧缺,促使城市建筑日趋向高空延伸,城市构造随之高层化,超高层建筑越来越多。但随之而来的超高层建筑的消防安全问题,也成为全世界面临的共同难题,值得我们共同研究,探寻对策。 The continuous growth of the urban population and the shortage of land resources have prompted urban construction to extend to higher altitudes. Urban structures have become more and more high-rise and more and more high-rise buildings have been built. However, the fire safety of the super high-rise building has also become a common problem faced by the whole world. It is worth our joint study and exploration of countermeasures.
In early 2010,driven by the increased pricesof glycine,paraformaldehydediethanolamine and other raw materials,theprice of glyphosate technical material(active
The Alxa Block is considered part of the North China Craton, but the unambiguous Archean basement has not been reported. In this study, we present the first evi
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用灰色马尔科夫预测方法,对石河子初霜冻出现时间进行了分析预测,结果表明,1995年预测初霜冻出现在10月18日,与实况10月18日完全一致。 The gray Markov forecasting method was used to ana
【正】 Aramid fiber is a new high-tech syntheticfiber.It includes two varieties - para-aramid1414 and meta-aramid 1313.Aramidfiber has excellent properties such