PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism in detection of YMDD variants of viral polymerase in he

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Objective: To analyse the emergence of YMDD motif(tyrosine-methionine-aspartate-aspartate) variants inpatients with hepatitis B treated with lamivudine.Methods: The amino acid substitution from methio-nine or isoleucine at the YMDD motif at the HBVpolymerase gene is a main mutation resistant to lami-vudine treatment. Generated from a fragment of do-main C of the polymerase gene, patients HBV DNA,which had been positive previously became positive a-gain ever since it had been negative during lamivudi-ne therapy. Variants were detected by cleavage of theproducts of the three PCRs with following enzymes:FokI, SspI, Alw441. The results of PCR-RELP wereanalysed by 8. 4% polypropylene acidemide gel elec-trophoresis. PCR-RFLP assay was compared to di-rect sequencing.Results: HBV DNA was positive again in 33 patientsand positive for one year in 2 patients. YMDD vari-ants were detected in serum 14 of 35 patients, YIDDvariants in 4, YVDD variants in 6, and YI/MDD va-riants in 1; all were in concordance with the resultsof direct sequencing. The samples of other 3 patientsshowed YI/VDD mutations, as shown by direct se-quencing. The results of PCR-RFLP assay of themixed sera of YIDD and YVDD variants were similarto those sera of YI/VDD variants.Conclusion: PCR-RFLP is suitable for rapid detec-tion of YMDD variants of viral polymerase in hepati-tis B virus patients treated with lamivudine. Objective: To analyze the emergence of YMDD motif (tyrosine-methionine-aspartate-aspartate) variants in patients with hepatitis B treated with lamivudine. Methods: The amino acid substitution from methio-nine or isoleucine at the YMDD motif at the HBV polymerase gene is a main mutation resistant to lami-vudine treatment. Generated from a fragment of do-main C of the polymerase gene, patients HBV DNA, which had been positive first became positive a-gain ever since it had been negative during lamivudi-ne therapy. Variants were detected by cleavage of the products of the three PCRs with the following enzymes: FokI, SspI, Alw441. The results of PCR-RELP were analyzed by 8. 4% polypropylene acidemide gel elec-trophoresis. PCR-RFLP assay was compared to di- rect sequencing. Results: HBV DNA was positive again in 33 patients and positive for one year in 2 patients. YMDD vari-ants were detected in serum 14 of 35 patients, YIDD vitaria in 4, YVDD variants in 6, and YI / MDD va-riants in 1; all were in conc ordance with the results of direct sequencing. The results of PCR-RFLP assay of themixed sera of YIDD and YVDD variants were similarto those sera of YI / VDD variants . Conflusion: PCR-RFLP is suitable for rapid detec- tion of YMDD variants of viral polymerase in hepati-tis B virus patients treated with lamivudine.
“梅卡瓦”主战坦克是以色列根据多年的作战经验首次研制的具 有独特外形和独特布置的国产主战坦克。该坦克从1979年底装备部 队至今已发展了“梅卡瓦”1、2、3、4型。“梅卡
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梅毒发病率在性病中仅次于淋病、非淋菌性尿道炎、尖锐湿疣 ,而且有逐年增多的趋势 ,临床诊断涉及到皮肤科、妇科、泌尿科等科室。由于梅毒临床表现多种多样 ,极易造成误诊。
五十、StG44突击步枪产生的历史背景 德国的战术专家和技术专家在第一次世界大战后就认识到了7.92×57mm长而重的枪弹对于抵肩武器而言,确实威力过分。他们对步枪及其弹药全
前言 冷战结束已过去了6年。大规模战争的可能性的确越来越小,但是,自海湾战争以来,前南斯拉夫、阿富汗、印巴边境及南北朝鲜等局部地区的冲突和对立不断出现,因此尚不能只
新型38mm防暴弹已批准设计定型。 新型38mm防暴弹包括爆炸型催泪弹、发烟型催泪弹、爆震弹、训练弹4个弹种(图1)。该弹由警用新型38mm防暴枪发射,主要用于驱散骚乱人群和暴