
来源 :职业与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woyaopojiemimaya
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目的研究职业性铅接触对肾功能的损害,探讨血铅浓度与血清胱抑素C(CYS-C)水平的关系,寻找铅对肾功能损伤的早期敏感指标。方法采取回顾性分析的方法。以2013年5月-2014年5月在佛山市顺德区慢性病防治中心就诊的职业性铅接触男性工人为接触组;对照组为年龄相近的、同期在佛山市顺德区慢性病防治中心体检的某企业不接触铅和其他职业危害的男性职工。用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定血铅。选取CYS-C、尿素氮(BUN)与肌酐(Cr)作为肾功能的效应指标,分析不同的血铅的水平与肾功能效应指标的变化。结果血清CYS-C、BUN与Cr在接触组与对照组两者间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论职业性铅接触引起血铅明显升高,肾功能效应指标血清CYS-C、BUN与Cr均不能敏感地反映铅对肾脏的毒性。 Objective To investigate the effects of occupational lead exposure on renal function and to explore the relationship between blood lead levels and serum cystatin C (CYS-C) levels and to find out the early sensitive indexes of lead on renal dysfunction. Methods to take a retrospective analysis of the method. Occupational lead-exposed male workers were treated in the Shunde Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment Center in Foshan City from May 2013 to May 2014 as the exposure group. In the control group, the age-matched occupational lead exposure was detected in an enterprise in the center of chronic disease prevention and treatment in Shunde District of Foshan City Male workers not exposed to lead and other occupational hazards. Determination of blood lead by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. CYS-C, BUN and Cr were selected as the indicators of renal function, and the changes of blood lead level and renal function index were analyzed. Results There was no significant difference in serum CYS-C, BUN and Cr between the two groups (P> 0.05). Conclusions Occupational exposure to lead causes a significant increase in blood lead. Serum CYS-C, BUN and Cr, a marker of renal function, are not sensitive to the toxicity of lead to the kidneys.
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他是邻居们眼里的酒仙,喝酒从不倒进杯子里,喜欢直接“对瓶吹”。喝到剩下半瓶的时候,就多了一样举动——每喝一口,都会闭上一只眼睛,用另一只眼睛看看瓶子里还剩下多少酒。如果剩得还够多,就大口灌,如果剩得少,就会马上变成小口抿。好像剩下的,是他后半生的时光一样。是啊,四十多岁的人了,剩下的时光,他怎么舍得,一饮而尽!  对于一个热爱生活的人来说,再贫苦的日子,也是舍不得扔掉的吧。  他之所以不是我眼中酒
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