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纵观中国改革史,给人的印象往往是谈经济改革神采飞扬,论政治体制改革则环左右而言他,几乎成近些年的现实写照。政治体制改革留给了理论家的高头文章,而经济领域倒是一天一个新板眼,创新不断。就这样一路走来,走了三十年。然而当我们站在历史的又一个关口上回望,似乎历史事实也并非如此。翻阅历史文献,早在二十多年前的改革初年,改革总设计师就已经在谈及政治体制改革了。比如中央党校党建资料里详实地记录了邓小平谈论政治体制改革的论述:邓小平这样说:现在看来,不搞政治体制改革不能适应形势。改革,应该包括政治体制的改革,而且应该把它作为改革向前推进的一个标志。 Throughout the history of China’s reform, the impression we give is often on the splendid rise of economic reform. On the other hand, the political system reform is a portrayal of him and has become a portrayal of the past few years. The reform of the political system has left the top articles for theorists, but the economic field is a new day by day with a steady stream of innovations. In this way, walked for thirty years. However, when we look back on another point of history, it seems that historical facts are not the same. Reading through historical documents, as early as 20 years ago, the reform chief designer had already talked about the reform of the political system. For example, the party building materials of the Central Party School recorded Deng Xiaoping’s discussion of political system reform in a down-to-earth manner: Deng Xiaoping said: It now appears that we can not adapt to the situation without political system reform. The reform should include the reform of the political system and should be regarded as a sign of the reform.
蓝色,一直是我对土耳其最深刻的印象。一个跨两块大陆交接点上的国家,四周围绕着黑海、马拉马尔海、爱琴海、地中海。湛蓝的海水将土耳其染成蓝色,那是一种独特的蓝,土耳其蓝!那种蓝沉淀着悠久的历史,无论罗马、塞尔柱还是拜占庭和奥斯曼,这些在历史上举足轻重的帝国,都在这片土地上留下了浓墨重彩的一页。    经过漫长的历史,来自各个方向的不同民族进入这片土地,迁徙、冲突、战争给土耳其留下了数不尽的历史文化、物
只有当城市本身、产业结构和住在城市里的人都朝低碳化发展了,那时的北京才能真正引领国内低碳潮流 Only when the city itself, the industrial structure and people livi
当他正成长的时候,我不知道他是个天才。坦白地说,我不认为他是个异乎寻常的人。 —斯皮尔伯格的母亲李·艾得拉他是想象力的大师,天赋的大师,必然性的大师。——乔治·卢卡
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