创新理念 健全机制 积极推进社会组织执法监察工作

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近年来,在上级业务部门的积极指导和青岛市委、市政府的正确领导下,我们按照“发展是前提,建设是核心,培育与监管是基本手段,发挥社会组织的积极作用是根本目的”的工作方针,结合青岛的实际,积极创新执法理念,努力提高行政执法水平和效能,有力地推动了社会组织建设和管理工作。我们的主要做法和体会:一、把握时代特点,注重理念创新,积极探索执法模式 In recent years, under the active guidance of the superior business units and the correct leadership of the Qingdao municipal government, we follow the principle of “development is the premise, construction is the core, nurturing and supervision are the basic means, and giving full play to the positive role of social organizations ”Working principle, combined with the actual situation in Qingdao, and actively innovate the concept of law enforcement, and strive to improve the level of administrative law enforcement and effectiveness, effectively promoted the social organization construction and management. Our main practices and experiences: First, grasp the characteristics of the times, pay attention to the concept of innovation, and actively explore the law enforcement model
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