Crystal Structure of Ni_(50)Mn_(29)Ga_(21)Tb_(1.2) Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy at Room Temperature

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwert730202
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Martensitic transformations, martensitic structures and substructures of Ni_ 50 Mn_ 29 Ga_ 21 Tb_ 1.2 shape memory alloy were studied by DTA, X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction. The results show that the mainly phase at room temperature has body-centred tetragonal structure with the lattice parameters: a=b=0.60 nm, c=0.5546 nm; and has body-centred monoclinic with lattice parameters: a=0.616 nm, b=0.581 nm, c=0.553 nm, β=90.8° in some tiny area. The substructures of Ni_(50)Mn_(29)Ga_(21)Tb_(1.2) at room temperature are twin. Martensitic transformations, martensitic structures and substructures of Ni_ 50 Mn_ 29 Ga_ 21 Tb_ 1.2 shape memory alloys were studied by DTA, X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction. The results show that the mainly phase at room temperature has body-centered tetragonal structure with the and has body-centred monoclinic with lattice parameters: a = 0.616 nm, b = 0.581 nm, c = 0.553 nm, β = 90.8 ° in some tiny area. The lattice parameters: a = b = 0.60 nm, c = 0.5546 nm; substructures of Ni_ (50) Mn_ (29) Ga_ (21) Tb_ (1.2) at room temperature are twin.
本文认为 ,广西是地处边疆的少数民族地区 ,由于历史和自然条件等方面的原因 ,经济社会发展相对落后 ,如不加快发展 ,势必影响社会主义民族关系的巩固和发展。实施西部大开发
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