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非智力因素是指心理因素中除智力因素以外的动机、兴趣、情感、意志、性格等因素。它与智力因素相互配合,也是人们心理活动必不可少的组成部分。在外语教学中,非智力因素对教学过程和学生的学习成功与否起重要作用。为此,教师和学生均应改变教学思想,改革教学方法,在教学过程中发展智力的同时,充分发挥学生非智力因素的作用。1.激发学习兴趣:如开展电化教学,情景教学,听、说、读、写、译综合教学及举办丰富多彩的课内外活动等。2.优化教学环境:教学中师生双方是相互影响的。而教师态度诚恳,表达生动,善于把握授课节奏,合理使用各种教学工具和设施,可以使学生处在一个轻松愉快、和谐高效的学习环境里,这有利于学生记忆力、理解力、想象力和各神思维能力的发挥。此外,适时更新教材内容,精心布置教室等也有助于提高教学效果。3.实施激励教学法:教师要善于发现学生智慧的火花,对其在学习上取得 Non-intellectual factors refers to psychological factors in addition to other factors of intelligence, interest, emotion, will, personality and other factors. It interacts with intellectual factors and is also an integral part of people’s mental activities. In foreign language teaching, non-intelligence factors play an important role in teaching process and students’ success in learning. For this reason, both teachers and students should change teaching ideas, reform their teaching methods, develop their intelligence in the process of teaching, and give full play to their role as non-intellectual factors. 1. To stimulate interest in learning: such as teaching, teaching situations, listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation teaching and holding a variety of classes and outside activities. 2. Optimize the teaching environment: teachers and students in teaching are mutually influential. The teacher’s sincere attitude, vivid expression, good grasp of teaching rhythm, reasonable use of various teaching tools and facilities, can make students in a relaxed, harmonious and efficient learning environment, which is conducive to students memory, understanding, imagination and God’s ability to play thinking. In addition, timely updates of teaching materials, carefully arranged classrooms also help to improve teaching effectiveness. 3. The implementation of incentive teaching method: teachers should be good at discovering the spark of student wisdom, made in their learning
通过对山西省沉积型铝土矿成矿区带划分,成矿系列以及成矿谱系的研究,总结我省铝土矿成矿规律,并对未来我省铝土矿勘察开发工作进行预测。 Through the research on the div