近年来,我国的冰箱出口竞争陷入价格战的泥潭,而新飞凭着二十多年专业制造的经验,独辟蹊径跳出低价格竞争的怪圈,大力开发市场空缺的新概念产品,2004年新飞通过开发高技术含量、高附加值、达到欧美能耗标准的特色环保、节能新品,实现了经济增长方式的质量型转变,年出口额的增长首次超过年出口量的增长,产品远销世界50多个国家和地区。今年前四个月, 新飞又取得了外贸销量、销售额同比增长45%、80%的佳绩。
In recent years, China’s refrigerator export competition plunged into the quagmire of the price war, and with more than 20 years of professional experience in manufacturing, New Fly out of the vicious circle of low price competition, and vigorously develop new market vacancies concept, the new fly through 2004 Development of high-tech, high value-added, energy-saving standards to meet the characteristics of Europe and the United States environmental protection, energy-saving new products, to achieve a qualitative change in economic growth mode, the annual export growth for the first time more than the annual export growth, the products are exported to more than 50 A country and region. In the first four months of this year, it also achieved foreign trade sales, with sales up 45% and 80% respectively.