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总结近2年10例胃肠道B淋巴细胞淋巴瘤的病理特征,结果如下:大体检查肿块与胃癌无特别差异,镜下特征为肿瘤细胞呈现多样性。部分病例主要成份为中心细胞样细胞(CCL)或主要成分为小淋巴细胞及裂-无裂细胞;部分病例有滤泡结构及淋巴上皮病变,而另一些病例则未见此种病变。有些病例与胃癌组织学图像难以鉴别。免疫组化结果:10例肿瘤CD20(+),瘤细胞膜内侧胞浆显示棕黄色颗粒,证实为B淋巴细胞来源肿瘤。CD45RO、CK均阴性。认为,性别、年龄及临床表现不具备诊断胃肠道B淋巴细胞淋巴瘤特异性价值,常规病理组织学检查有一定的诊断意义,部分病例病理形态学特征不明显的则需结合免疫组化方法才能作出正确诊断 Summarize the pathological features of 10 cases of gastrointestinal lymphoblastic lymphoma in the past 2 years. The results are as follows: There is no special difference between the gross examination of the tumor and gastric cancer. The characteristics of the tumor are the diversity of tumor cells. In some cases, the main component is the central cell-like cell (CCL) or the main components of small lymphocytes and split-uncracked cells; in some cases there are follicular structures and lymphoepithelial lesions, while in other cases no such lesions are found. Some cases are difficult to identify with histological images of gastric cancer. Results of immunohistochemistry: 10 cases of tumors with CD20(+). The cytoplasm of the tumor cells showed brown-yellow granules on the medial surface of the tumor, confirming B-lymphocytic origin. Both CD45RO and CK were negative. It is believed that gender, age, and clinical manifestations do not have the specific value for the diagnosis of B-lymphocytic lymphoma in the gastrointestinal tract. Routine histopathological examinations have a certain diagnostic significance. In some cases, the pathomorphological features are not obvious, and the combination of immunohistochemical methods is required. To make a correct diagnosis
The sales comparison approach or market approach is also frequently used in business valuation. The market approach compares the subject to similar businesses, business ownership interests, and securi
患者为三兄弟.例1:(46岁)因右上腹胀痛不适三年入院.曾服用胆酸钠、氟哌酸治疗欠效.用ALoka SSD-630超声诊断仪,线阵探头,频率3.5MHz,B超所见:空腹胆囊68×22mm,壁稍毛糙,沿
新鲜猪肉是指屠宰加工后,卫生检验合格的未经冷冻的肉。外表面有层微干或微湿润的薄膜,呈淡红色,有光泽,切面稍潮湿而无黏 Fresh pork refers to the slaughter and process