Current knowledge and future directions of TLR and NOD signaling in sepsis

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The incidence of sepsis is increasing over time, along with an increased risk of dying from the condition. Sepsis care costs billions annually in the United States. Death from sepsis is understood to be a complex process, driven by a lack of normal immune homeostatic functions and excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines, which leads to multi-organ failure. The Toll-like receptor(TLR) family, one of whose members was initially discovered in Drosophila, performs an important role in the recognition of microbial pathogens. These pattern recognition receptors(PRRs), upon sensing invading microorganisms, activate intracellular signal transduction pathways. NOD signaling is also involved in the recognition of bacteria and acts synergistically with the TLR family in initiating an efficient immune response for the eradication of invading microbial pathogens. TLRs and NOD1/NOD2 respond to different pathogenassociated molecular patterns(PAMPs). Modulation of both TLR and NOD signaling is an area of research that has prompted much excitement and debate as a therapeutic strategy in the management of sepsis. Molecules targeting TLR and NOD signaling pathways exist but regrettably thus far none have proven efficacy from clinical trials. The incidence of sepsis is increasing over time, along with an increased risk of dying from the condition. Sepsis care costs billions annually in the United States. Death from sepsis is understood to be a complex process, driven by lack of normal immune homeostatic functions and excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines, which leads to multi-organ failure. The Toll-like receptor (TLR) family, one of the members was initially discovered in Drosophila, perform an important role in the recognition of microbial pathogens. These pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), upon sensing invading microorganisms, activate intracellular signal transduction pathways. NOD signaling is also involved in the recognition of bacteria and acts synergistically with the TLR family in initiating an efficient immune response for the eradication of invading microbial pathogens. TLRs and NOD1 / NOD2 respond to different pathogenassociated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Modulation of both TLR and NOD signaling is an area of ​​research that has prompted much excitement and debate as a therapeutic strategy in the management of sepsis. Molecules targeting TLR and NOD signaling pathways exist but regrettably therefore far none have proven efficacy from clinical trials.
【摘要】同步碎石封层技术主要是指在公路进行施工过程中同时进行骨料的撒布和沥青结合料的喷洒,让骨料和沥青结合料之间的表层进行充分的接触,而最终达到最大的粘结性。公路路面在进行施工养护的时候,需要通过同步碎石封层的技术让路面使用寿命得到延长,这种是最经济的方法之一。而这项技术不仅有良好的经济性和防滑性,还具有非常长久的防水性。在没有骨料的流失的状况下,3~5年的道路养护是可以保证的。  【关键词】沥青
惟俭可以惜福,惟俭可以养廉。——清·钱泳《履园丛话·安安先生》  译文:唯有俭朴的生活,可以得到持久的幸福,唯有俭朴的生活,可以培养廉洁的作风和思想。  钱泳,原名钱鹤,字立群,号台仙,亦号梅溪,清代江苏金匮(今属无锡)人。长期做幕客,足迹遍及大江南北。著有《履园丛话》、《履园谭诗》、《兰林集》、《梅溪诗钞》等。“惟俭可以惜福,惟俭可以养廉”,出自于钱泳的《履園丛话·安安先生》。  在今天此语仍有