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专著《当代中国城市雕塑、建筑壁画》是由于美成同志主持的全国艺术科学“九五”规划重点课题《新时期城市雕塑、建筑壁画与其空间环境的研究》(批准号 97GB2 8)的最终成果。研究新时期城市雕塑、建筑壁画的理论与创作实践 ,总结经验教训 ,对中国城市公共艺术的未来发展具有重大意义 ;它不仅是公共艺术学科发展的内在要求 ,也是雕塑家、壁画家和美术评论家的历史责任。本书较为系统、全面和清晰地论述了中国改革开放之后二十多年来城市雕塑、建筑壁画发展、演变的历史过程。考察的重点放在大城市 ,同时也兼顾到一些中小城市的公共艺术状况。本书论述了作为公共艺术形态的城市雕塑、建筑壁画的性质、特征和作用。回顾了城市雕塑、建筑壁画发展的新的历史背景 ;考察了新时期城市雕塑、建筑壁画与其空间环境的关系 ;总结了 2 0多年来城市雕塑、建筑壁画发展的成功经验和存在的问题 ,概括了新时期城市雕塑、建筑壁画领域引起论争的主要学术问题 ;探讨了2 1世纪中国城市雕塑、建筑壁画发展面对的问题与前景。这里刊发了侯一民、王克庆、齐康三位先生为该书撰写的序言 ,以飨读者。 The monograph “Contemporary Chinese Urban Sculpture and Architectural Murals” is the result of Comrade Mei Cheng’s endorsement of the key project of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of the National Art Science “Research on Urban Sculpture, Architectural Murals and Their Space Environment in the New Era” (Grant No. 97GB2 8) . Studying the theory and practice of urban sculpture and building mural painting in the new era and summarizing the experience and lessons are of great significance to the future development of urban public art in China. It is not only an intrinsic requirement for the development of public art discipline, but also a sculptor, muralist and art criticism The family’s historical responsibility. This book systematically, comprehensively and clearly discusses the historical process of the development and evolution of urban sculpture and architectural mural paintings in the past two decades after China’s reform and opening up. The focus of the study is on the big cities, taking into account the public art conditions in some small and medium-sized cities. This book discusses the nature, features and functions of urban sculpture, architectural murals as a form of public art. Reviews the new historical background of urban sculptures and building murals; examines the relationship between urban sculptures and architectural murals in the new period and their spatial environment; sums up the successful experience and existing problems in the development of urban sculptures and architectural murals over the past 20 years In the new period, the main academic issues that caused the controversy in urban sculptures and architectural murals were explored. The problems and prospects in the development of Chinese city sculptures and architectural murals in the 21st century were discussed. Here published Hou Yimin, Wang Keqing, Mr. Qi Kang three preface to the book to readers.
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