Synthesis and Diameter-dependent Thermal Conductivity of InAs Nanowires

来源 :Nano-Micro Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdmligq1
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In this work, we synthesized high-quality In As nanowires by a convenient chemical vapor deposition method,and developed a simple laser heating method to measure the thermal conductivity of a single In As nanowire in air. During the measurement, a focused laser was used to heat one end of a freely suspended nanowire, with its other end embedded into a carbon conductive adhesive. In order to obtain the thermal conductivity of In As nanowires, the heat loss in the heat transfer process was estimated, which includes the heat loss through air conduction, the heat convection, and the radiation loss. The absorption ratio of the laser power in the In As nanowire was calculated. The result shows that the thermal conductivity of In As nanowires monotonically increases from 6.4 W m-1K-1to 10.5 W m-1K-1with diameters increasing from 100 nm to 190 nm, which is ascribed to the enhanced phonon-boundary scattering. In this work, we synthesized high-quality In As nanowires by a convenient chemical vapor deposition method, and developed a simple laser heating method to measure the thermal conductivity of a single In As nanowire in air. During the measurement, a focused laser was used to heat one end of a freely suspended nanowire, with its other end embedded into a carbon conductive adhesive. In order to obtain the thermal conductivity of In As nanowires, the heat loss in the heat transfer process was estimated, which includes the heat loss through The result shows that the thermal conductivity of In As nanowires monotonically increases from 6.4 W m-1K-1 to 10.5 W m-1K-1 with diameters increasing from 100 nm to 190 nm, which is ascribed to the enhanced phonon-boundary scattering.
目的 探讨肺表面活性物质-超氧化物岐化酶(PS-SOD)脂质体在乳猪体外循环中的肺保护作用.方法 选用2~3周龄乳猪30头,随机分为对照组、PS组、SOD组、PS+SOD组、PS-SOD脂质体组5组.常规建体外循环,转流150min,主动脉阻断60min.分别在气管插管后、主动脉开放前2个时点经气管插管向肺内均匀注入生理盐水、PS、SOD、PS+SOD、PS-SOD脂质体.于术前、术毕、术后2、6
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目的 探讨并改进大鼠肝细胞分离和培养技术.方法 Ⅲ型胶原预铺培养板,改良原位胶原酶两步灌流法分离肝细胞,适宜密度接种.含10%胎生血清的PuDMI 1640培养基培养;观察细胞产量、活率、贴壁和生长情况评价方法的可行性.结果 肝细胞分离时间明显缩短;胶原酶用量减少1/3;每鼠可获得(1.81±0.65)X 108个肝细胞;活率为(87.46±6.90)%;细胞接种4 h即可贴壁,可存活2~3周.结
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