
来源 :上海海洋大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linsl2003
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体育教学是一个系统工程,影响和制约该系统工程的因素不仅包括教材、场地器材、环境,而且还涉及到体育教师情感教学的构建与运用。情感是一种无声语言,是人们对外界客观事物是否满足自己需要时产生的态度体验,伴随着认知过程而产生,并对认知过程产生重大影响,情感教学是体育教学中的一个重要环节,情感教学过程是师生不断地进行精神交流的过程,积极的情感可以促进学生认知活动的发展,强化学生学习动机。从理论视角阐述情感教学的内涵、意义,分析情感教学的影响因素,并对如何提升体育教师的情感教学提出构建思路,目的在于提升体育教师积极的情感教学艺术,在充分考虑认知因素的同时,发挥情感因素的积极作用,以激发学生的学习热情,提高运动能力,完善教学目标,增强教学效果。 Physical education is a systematic project. The factors affecting and restricting the system engineering include not only teaching materials, equipment and environment, but also the construction and application of the emotional teaching of physical education teachers. Emotion is a kind of silent language. It is the attitude experience that people produce when they satisfy their needs to the outside world, which is produced along with the cognitive process and has a significant impact on the cognitive process. Emotional teaching is an important link in the teaching of physical education The process of emotion teaching is the process of teachers and students continuing to exchange their spirit. The positive emotion can promote the development of students ’cognitive activities and strengthen students’ motivation to learn. From the perspective of theory, this paper expounds the connotation and significance of emotional teaching, analyzes the influencing factors of emotional teaching, and puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the teaching of physical education. The purpose is to improve the active emotional teaching art of physical education teachers. With full consideration of cognitive factors , To play a positive role in emotional factors in order to stimulate student enthusiasm for learning, improve athletic ability, improve teaching objectives and enhance teaching effectiveness.
<正> 鸡非草食动物,但是某些土鸡有喜吃草的特性,如广西土鸡等就特别喜欢啄食青草等鲜嫩植物,可以说缺乏青绿饲粮是养不好土鸡的。
<正> 近年来减轻学生课业负担的呼声很高,教育行政部门的有关文件很多,各级领导人开会讲话都很强调“减负”问题,但小学生的课业负担至今仍然很重,本文仅从小学教师的角度,就
<正> 80年代以来的语文教学改革,在研究语文学科的目的任务、改进教学方法、开展科学实验、编写实验教材、改善教学设施等方面,取得了较大的进展,在活跃学生思想、拓宽学生视