
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skykight
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某女,26岁,因头痛、发热4d,耳痛2d入院。4d前出现头痛、发热(体温37~38℃),外院按“上呼吸道感染(以下简称上感)”行对症处理,2d后出现右耳持续性刺痛,伴恶心、呕吐(4次均为胃内容物),门诊以“上感”收治。入院第2天出现右侧面瘫。检查:体温37.2℃,脉搏80/min,血压16.0/10.6kPa(120/80mmHg);心、肺、腹无异常。右额纹消失,右睑裂扩大,右鼻唇沟变浅,右口角下垂,右眼不能完全闭合,不能鼓腮,露齿受限,说话时口角左歪。耳部检查:右耳廓肿胀,右耳甲腔内粟粒大小疱疹密布,有的相互融合;外耳道无红肿,未见脓性分泌物,鼓膜无充血、穿孔,乳突无压痛;右耳周围淋巴结肿痛,听力正常。鼻咽部未见异常。治疗经过:给青霉素80万U,肌注,每日2次,强的松10mg,每日3次,复合维生素B2片,每日 A woman, 26 years old, because of headaches, fever 4d, 2d admitted to hospital. 4 days before the onset of headache, fever (body temperature 37 ~ 38 ℃), the outer court by the “upper respiratory tract infection (hereinafter referred to as the sense of”) line symptomatic treatment, 2d after the right ear persistent tingling, with nausea and vomiting (4 Are stomach contents), outpatient to “sense ” admitted. The right side of the paralysis appeared on the 2nd day after admission. Check: body temperature 37.2 ℃, pulse 80 / min, blood pressure 16.0 / 10.6kPa (120 / 80mmHg); heart, lung, abdomen without exception. The right forehead pattern disappears, the right palpebral fissure expands, the right nasolabial fold shallow, right mouth drooping, the right eye can not be completely closed, can not drum gills, tooth exposure is limited, speak crooked left crooked. Ear examination: swelling of the right ear, the size of the right ear shell cavity miliary herpes dense, and some mutual fusion; external auditory canal without swelling, no purulent discharge, tympanic membrane without congestion, perforation, papillae no tenderness; right ear lymph nodes Sore throat, normal hearing. No abnormal nasopharyngeal. After treatment: 800000 U to penicillin, intramuscular injection, 2 times a day, prednisone 10mg, 3 times a day, vitamin B2 tablets, daily
企业怎样运用“最适合”理念识别和选择不同层次的人才呢?简单概括就是:地表人才看态度,地壳人才看能力,地核人才看风格。 How to use the enterprise “most suitable ”
养孩子原本就是一个大挑战,对单身母亲更是如此。若单身女性带着负罪感的爱去疼孩子,反而让孩子有透不过气来的感觉。    尹月华住在县城里,自己开了一个店,店里的生意很不错,她很有经济头脑,收入还可以。  她的丈夫因病离开了她和儿子。她完全是为了孩子而活。儿子小时候,喜欢妈妈围着他团团转,一旦离开她就哭闹,她有点高兴,觉得孩子最需要的是她。  当她和朋友在外一起吃饭时,总有罪恶感。她为了儿子放弃了自己
我院于1992年起应用精制蝮蛇抗栓酶(Svate-3)治疗缺血性脑血管病70例,其中临床诊断脑血栓形成38例,急性脑供血不足32例。方法:以Svate-3皮试阴性后,将Svate-3 1.5~ In our h
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dengyongwei@sina.com问:我的儿子1岁3个月大,到现在都不敢独立行走。请问,这种情况该如何处理? Q: My son is 1 year and 3 months old and has not