Hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes/large-eddy simulation of jet mixing in a supersonic crossflow

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Fishfag
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A sonic under-expanded transverse jet injection into a Ma 1.6 supersonic crossflow is investigated numerically using our hybrid RANS/LES (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes/large eddy simulation) method. First, a calculation is carried out to validate the code, where both the instantaneous and statistical results show good agreement with the existing experimental data. Then the jet-mixing characteristics are analyzed. It is observed that the large-scale vortex on the windward portion of the jet boundary is formed mainly by the intermittent impingement of the incoming high-speed fluid on the relatively low-speed region of the upstream jet boundary, where the interaction between the upstream separated region and the jet supplies a favorable pressure condition for the sustaining acceleration of the high-speed fluid during the vortex forming, associated with which the incoming fluid is entrained into the jet boundary and large-scale mixing occurs. Meanwhile, the secondary recirculation zone between the upstream separated region and the jet is observed to develop evidently during the vortex forming, inducing the entrainment of jet fluid into the upstream separated region. Moreover, effects of the incoming boundary layer on the jet mixing are addressed. A sonic under-expanded transverse jet injection into a Ma 1.6 supersonic crossflow is investigated numerically using our hybrid RANS / LES (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes / large eddy simulation) method. First, a calculation is carried out to validate the code, where both the instantaneous and statistical results show good agreement with the existing experimental data. Then is observed that the large-scale vortex on the windward portion of the jet boundary is formed mainly by the intermittent impingement of the incoming high-speed fluid on the relatively low-speed region of the upstream jet boundary, where the interaction between the upstream separated region and the jet supplies a favorable pressure condition for the sustaining acceleration of the high-speed fluid during the vortex forming, associated with which the incoming fluid is entrained into the jet boundary and large-scale mixing occurs. Meanwhile, the secondary recirculation zone b etween the upstream separated region and the jet is observed to develop evidently during the vortex forming, inducing the entrainment of jet fluid into the upstream separated region. Moreover, effects of the incoming boundary layer on the jet mixing are addressed.
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